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Username: Ixcaliber
Name: Embarrassment (Barry to his friends (if he had any))
Gender: Variable
Species: Lesser Nightmare
Colour: #C43551
Items/Abilities: You know those dreams where you're in class and you suddenly remember you have an exam that you haven't revised for, and, in fact you don't remember learning any of this stuff in the first place? Or where you have to give a speech in front of the entire school and you manage to force your way through every awkward moment of it only to realize that you've been stood there completely naked the entire time? That's this guy.

Barry has the ability to manipulate dreams. This ability is generally automatic; any dream in which he appears quickly becomes a parade of embarrassments whether he lifts a finger or not. Which is not to say that he can't control his ability; if he chooses to do so he can manipulate someone's dream to lead to a specific embarrassing outcome, but generally it's not worth the bother.

He lives in a world composed entirely of dreams and has never been in the waking world. However it is possible that his ability to manipulate the reality of the dreamworld would directly translate to the reality of the physical world (at a much reduced capacity) if he were to ever find himself there.

Description: Barry's form is malleable; he tends to blend into whatever dream he finds himself in without even realizing he's doing it. When he's not got anyone to blend in with he tends to look like an acne-ridden teenage boy in an ill-fitting school uniform. He can be distinguished (though not easily) through his eyes which are always a distinctive shade of dull grey.

He's something of a loner, world weary and generally indifferent to most things. If something manages to get through his apathy he can be really quite dynamic, with a wicked sense of humour. He doesn't have much in the way of perseverance though so it doesn't tend to last very long.

Biography: Aside from the Primals, Embarrassment is probably the longest lived nightmare; even more relevant today than the day he was created. But despite his longevity he's still just a lesser nightmare. He's seldom been shown any respect; not from Oneiros, not from his peers the Primals and not even from the younger nightmares whose relevance and influence has faded away as the world has progressed past that fear.

Over the years he's got a little bitter about the whole thing and has on multiple occasions tried to make his nightmares just that little bit more scary by for example involving grotesque monsters that set unfair pop quizzes or mind-bending monstrosities that tell everyone your deepest secrets. These attempts to gain more credibility and respect never really work and he usually just ends up getting into a massive argument he can't win with whichever nightmare feels like he is infringing upon their material.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST SEVEN: NIGHTMARES! SUBMISSIONS WELCOME!] - by Ixcaliber - 02-21-2014, 05:27 PM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIII: ANGLE!] - by !? - 07-06-2014, 02:08 PM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIII: ANGLE!] - by !? - 07-14-2014, 01:51 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIV: SWAG!] - by Gatr - 07-24-2014, 01:44 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 28: NEKKID] - by Sai - 10-03-2014, 02:06 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 28: NEKKID] - by Sai - 10-08-2014, 06:19 PM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 29: STOIC] - by Sai - 10-14-2014, 07:46 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 29: STOIC] - by Sai - 10-15-2014, 03:11 AM