DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus

DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus
RE: DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus
Legasaur the Stegosaur, name made with creative liberties and pending trademark, was not at all in a position of comfort. In fact, his comfort was probably in the negative levels and the worst part was that he didn't really have anyone to blame but himself.

That didn't stop him from blaming other people though. For starters, there was Galatea, that little brat had not only convinced the owner against going through with the Very Generous Offer, she had also embarrassed him! And then there was the owner as well, just laughing at him and saying that the circus didn't need any help to grow! It was like he wasn't even being listened to at all!

The wicked words of that benefactor rang through his head,
"And uh, ey, just remembah, this is all on yous. If the plan don't work out like yah say it will, then that ain't no ones problems but yous."

He didn't think that they would refuse? How could anyone! It was the deal of not just one lifetime, but a billion! A chance to make it big not just in one universe, but in all of them! To be the first Circus to traverse the very multiverse! Surely the owner didn't expect the secret to multiversal travel to just fall into the circus' lap!

As Legasaur the Stegosaur paced around and wondered what he could do to sabotage the circus (leading to the owner reconsidering), something ~sparkly~ appeared behind him.

"Hello~," said a voice from a mouth that slowly but eventually grew into what seemed to be a human female, "You look like you've got some problems... that's a shaaaame..."

Legasaur the Stegosaur didn't know how to describe the voice that had spoken, but it seemed to be a mix of childish, motherly, and omnipotent. He opted to go for a route that would cause the least trouble, "I'm fine, no problems here, nope."

In a single moment the smile that had been accompanied by the woman, if that's what she really was, turned into a frown and suddenly the woman, who Legasaur the Stegosaur was now realizing he couldn't get a solid look on any of her features, was larger and more imposing.

"Ohhh???," her voice was different and yet the same, "Are you sure... because I think differently. And I think that someone is lyyyyying to meeeee."

There was something about this woman that was off but Legasaur the Stegosaur couldn't help but feel that the real problem at hand was that he wasn't on. By now the talking dinosaur had completely given up on trying to negotiate and started to silently back away.

The woman smelled the air, "Don't be scared... I'm just here to make sure that you are perfectly fine~," Legasaur the Stegosaur found himself unable to move. The woman laid her hands on his face and then said, "D*n't w*rry, s**n everything is g*ing t* turn *ut W*nderful!"


No one was really sure about what to do with Jax.

"I think he's bad news, but I feel bad for the car... Cat Six I think? Whatever her deal is, it isn't good at all... is she a possessed car or something? Lynette, can't you like, exorcise her?"

"No, whatever her deal is it isn't related to a ghost or something but... there is something death related going on... somewhere? She doesn't feel really great about something, but I'm not sure what..."

"What's your stake in this uh... what even is your name?"

The psychic had been busy thinking about the previous rounds in The Suddenly Wrangled Up Shouting Match, which had their ups and downs and had largely allowed his survival through a series of events that he could not currently comprehend, no thanks to a certain contestant literally fucking everything up out of nowhere. That said, Jax was kind of trash. However, he was trash that was easier to kill than Patricia, who the psychic was convinced had to have something unnatural going on.

"Uh, psychic guy?"

"I think our best bet is to just go along with it, we don't have to kill Patricia if we don't want to."

"What I want to know is why he wants to kill Trisha..."


"Hey, hey, are we gunna do the deal or not? Clock's tickin! You don't want to leave poor Cat alone, do ya?"

"Alright!" Aria frowned and walked up to the car salesmen and then snatched the keys away, "We'll do it!"

Jax's eyes sparkled in glee, "Alright! Ya hear that Catsy, you are gunna have a fun time! Say something exciting!"

A weak, "YAY..." crackled out from the voice box.

Aria frowned, this time out of pity for Cat Six. She then got into the driving seat and started the car. "Are you two getting in?"

As the Psychic and Lynette motioned towards Cat Six, the latter looked towards the now retreating Jax, "What are you going to do?"

Jax froze, then turned around with a giant, fake smile, "Oh, you know, look around, keep an eye out for people, if I see Pattie I'll send word don't worry!"

"So... you are just going to hide until Trisha's gone?"

"What?? That's ridiculous... that... that's ridiculous," Jax's mannerisms were not convincing anyone, "We are now a team! And that means we are going to work together!"

"Look, can we get on with this? I'm tired of hearing his mouth flap."

"Hey! That's no way to treat a teammate!"

"I never agreed to anything, we didn't make a deal."

Cat Six's engine revved up, Aria took advantage of Cat Six's impulsive action to take control of the situation, "Alright Jax, if you are going to help us then find people from our battle, there's someone in particular, Keagan, he's a kid, glasses, messed up left side. Keep him safe, and I don't care what else you do."

Jax gave two thumbs up, "Alright! Sounds easy enough, I'll just be on my way then."


"Oh no that's never good."

"We have to move fast."

"Oh god, he did that thing, oh god, oh god not again NOT AGAIN." Jax began to spin around in circles out of panic.

"What's going on?"

The psychic didn't reply to Lynette's question, instead opting to point, "There, we have to go there now."

Lynette and Aria were about to say something about there being nothing abnormal in the direction the psychic was pointing, but then realized that they were talking to a psychic. "Alright then, Jax, don't forget!"

The trio drove off, leaving the panicking Jax alone, still panicking. "I need to find a safe place, safety, just safety... but where am I gunna find that here?" The salesman stopped for a second, remembering where the psychic pointed. "No.. no it's easy, just gotta make sure to not go in that direction! Jax will LIVE ANOTHER ROUND! HA HA HA."

Happy leaving it at that, Jax rode off, hoping that he would meet no one and nothing on his quest to avoid whatever she was up to this time.


Galatea woke up steaming, "I can't believe that she did that!"

The starlet was fine of course, as if she had woken up on time she would have had to, and happily would have performed as if she didn't get a politicians boot to her newly magical girl head.

"Ooo, I'll give her a piece of my mind!!!"

Before anyone could stop her, not that they would have really succeeded given Galatea's newly awakened penchant for orbiting around things, such as people she wanted to avoid, she made her way back to the stage.

Vigil and Trisha were still speaking with She-Boom, with the former wondering if he should talk to the latter about what She-Boom was trying to point out. Upon noticing the magical girl enter across from where they were standing, Vigil's ears ringed up and he leaped towards her, hoping to prevent another scene in which she flies up, interrupts a performance, and then gets knocked out again. Trisha and She-Boom followed, with the latter making a face that probably said, I sure hope that I don't have to catch people again.

"Galatea, wait!"

"Oh, oh hey Vigil! I see that Patricia's performing, I guess I'll just wait."

"Don't go u- oh ok..."

"So her names Patricia? That's a nice name, but it's way too formal, how's someone with a stuck-up sounding name like that just performing at a circus?"

"Hey you look a lot lik-"

"Galatea, focus, you know a lot of people in the circus right?"

"Well, duh."

"Do you know anyone who would want to sabotage the circus? There are things happening and we think that it's an inside job."

"Say whaaaaaaaat? That's totally ridiculous, everyone here's family, right She-Boom?"

She-Boom quickly gave a powerful and supportive thumbs-up.

"Yeah, if we weren't all in this together then there's no way that we would be able to get this far."

"That's nice honey but there really isn't any other explanation for this! There has to be someone, maybe someone new?"

"Well, the newest person is right up there on the tight-rope, but She-Boom's been with her the entire time!"

Vigil rolled his eyes a little. It was a bit obvious that Galatea's oblivious and naive world view was not conductive to their investigation. He probably needed to change the tone of the question a little, no one would willingly do anything bad to the circus, thought Galatea, so the questions need to focus not on people, but on recent events, "Has anyone been acting weirder than normal, suggesting new things to do with the circus, or just been a bit grumpy?"

Galatea thought about it for a bit, and then remembered an incident from the night prior, "Well, Legasaur the Stegosaur suggested something weird about turning the circus towards the multiverse or something, but we all dismissed it. But he wouldn't do anything bad, people suggest 'the next big thing!' all the time."

"Where is this Legasour fellow?"

"I dunno, Yoel probably knows where he is, one moment."

Galatea closed her eyes and put some of her fingers near her mouth, and then blew. While no sound came out of her lips, it was obvious that it was doing something, especially when moments later a somewhat portly and hairy man rushed through screaming, "PRINCESS!!!"

Galatea gave a polite wave, "Hi Yoel."

The wolfish man grabbed two of her hands and shook them happily, almost sobbing about how, "I'D BEEN LOOKIN ALL OVER THE CIRCUS FOR YA, I'M SO SORRY PRINCESS, I THOUGHT I LOST YA, PLEASE DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN, I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'D DO."

"Yoel, I'm fine."

Yoel recomposed himself and nodded. Then gave Galatea a look over, noticing the completely different outfit. "What are ya wearing?"

"That's not important now sir, we need to find someone, Legasaur the Stegosaur."

Yoel looked around for the source of the very male voice. "Who said that?"

"That was Vigil," Trisha picked the rabbit up, "We need to find this Legasaur fellow, he might be sabotaging the circus."

"Ohhhh, and why should I trust ya, Patricia."

Before Trisha could let out a cold but solid, "That is not my name," the lights went out, to signify that something dramatic was about to happen in the tightrope. The odd thing was that it was not accompanied by a spotlight on the performer.

The group looked up, wondering what was happening, with some of them also hoping that the performer was capable enough to act without light.

Patricia of course, was.

What she was less sure of was what was going on, and more importantly who was going to get the foul end of her foot after she got down from here. "First things first though, it would behoove me to get to a safer position than this one."

Patricia took a deep breath and then walked towards one of the poles holding the ropes up, each step was perfectly placed and in the darkness she could only hear the murmurs of the confused crowd and her own breaths.

Then she heard a third sound.

heh heh heh heeh


Patricia took another deep breath and continued onward, ignoring the unarguable and complete shitstain that had decided to specifically toy with her out of all of the people in this awful Bickering Buddyfest.

The next sound was like the wind, complete with a small breeze, it was a bit flirty. hiiiiii~ heh hee

Patricia clenched her fist and stood still. Her heart was pounding. She knew what would come next. An attack. Laughter, greeting, attack, that was the pattern and then after that everything would get... stupid. She was cornered, and there was only one way to go.


Patricia's head didn't say it, but neither did the wind, so she took the advice and leaped downward.

Suddenly, Patricia glowed, and the crowd's eyes were all on her, going "ooo" and "ah," which distracted them from the fact that there was a green and white snap on the ropes above.

Patricia recognized that the light was coming from Galatea, who was also the reason why she wasn't falling to her death. "You can glow, and fly? What's next?"

"Well, uh, dodging I suppose?"

Before Patricia could ask what they were going to dodge, Galatea swerved around another greenwhite snap. "So what's the plan then?"

"Get to the ground and then go from there."

Patricia frowned, almost wishing that the lack of foresight surprised her, "How did you know I was in danger? Is that another one of your new... tricks?"

"No, there's a-" Galatea paused as she went around another snap, "A magical rabbit guy, he knew something was up? He said something about familiar magic or something and wanted me to go up and save you."

"A rabbit? Orange, wears goggle, green markings?"


"Curiouser and curiouser."

"Oh shit," Galatea spun around, this time to dodge a long, vertical snap. The greenwhite energy just barely missed them, but in the maneuver, Patricia's mask came off and was destroyed by the snap.

Galatea was getting tired, Patricia knew it, and she also knew that the next snap would be a doozy. "We need to split, toss me."


"Do it!"

Not a moment too soon, Galatea threw Patricia away, while she herself instinctively spun backwards. Where they were, a larger snap appeared, the light of which shone long enough for the crowd to witness Patricia fly through the air and grab on to pole. She gracefully but forcefully spun around it before launching herself downward and yelling, "She-Boom!"

Her fellow entertainer leaped up, holding her hands out for Patricia to land on. Miraculously, the maneuver paid off without harm, although Patricia was a bit winded, and the two landed safely back on the ground.

She-Boom let Patricia down, but still held her steady, Galatea bounced back as well, joining the pair along with Yoel, Trisha, and Vigil.

As shocked as Trisha was to see Patricia's face, Yoel was more, screaming, "TWOOOOO??????????" and then fainting.

Before Trisha or Patricia could have any sort of crisis over their respective appearances however, the spotlight finally shone, this time on a blank space. Then a smile appeared, and there was a heh heh heh hee as the rest of the person attached to the smile appeared out of the air.

"Hi~" There was a small silence as her smile turned into a dirty smirk, "Patricia."


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