The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
RE: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 3: Endymion]
"No, everything is going as planned!"

"This is going to turn out perfectly fine, I'm a hero! I'll save everyone!"

"You can't say that to me! You don't know what I've been through!"

"I'm... I'm sorry... you are right..."

Calor slouched backwards on his chair, his face was full of worries and his mind was swirling. He took a deep breath as he mustered up the strength to stand up once again.

"I understand, but I am more capable than you think! I will stop the apocalypse; I will be hailed as a h-hero...” Calor's words grew more and weaker as he went on, eventually almost going to a whimper, "And... and I'll be forgiven..."


Photographer didn't know.

Photographer couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't feel, but at the same time he did all those things in ways he wasn't comfortable with. Was he asleep? Was he awake? Was he even himself?

Photographer felt a voice, screaming somewhere, but he didn't know what it said.

h...p... hh..ppp.

Somehow, Photographer felt drawn to it, and in that feeling heard more clearly.


In that moment, like a flash of light shining in its eyes, Photographer saw ooze bleed and lights shine and rivers roar and land shake and at the same time he saw nothing.

Then he heard it again.


The single word was ringing, and Photographer heard it come from everywhere. Photographer, ethereal as he was, knew what it meant. Endymion was going to die, and soon.

Would he die with it?

message message message



"Get us out of here!" Ellena and Jeremy were running at the front, with Wardell and Geoff close behind, "Ugh, why didn't we just go back through the door we came in?"

Jeremy, doing his best to simultaneously cling and run managed out a, "I'm sorry! Geoff turned around and started running and so I just started too!"

Geoff, occasionally looking back at the crowd behind them, was trying to figure out a plan, "Enough about that, the point is we need to lose them if we want to do anything."

Jeremy turned his head back to Geoff, "So what do we do?"

"I suggest we split up and try to regroup later." Geoff looked ahead, noticing a fork in the road, and nodded in the direction he would turn.

"Alright then, have fun!"

Jeremy and Ellena picked up their pace a bit as Jeremy looked for a suitably Good door to go through. As the half of the crowd that followed them was a bit farther away, Jeremy set his eyes on a door that seemed good enough.

As the he laid his hands on the knob and the duo stopped, Jeremy heard a faint "help" as he opened the door, hoping to get anywhere that wasn't here.

The pair then found themselves almost falling out of a closet in some dark room.

"Where did you take us?"

"Uh... I'm not sure! I sort of planned for like, your place but... something else came up in my head when I touched the door... that was weird..."

Ellena looked around the room while Jeremy stood up and thought about what had happened, the voice was familiar... but distorted...

"Whoever lives here is very devout... there's all sorts of religious symbols and texts here..."

Ellena walked farther into the home, and then let out a scream.

Jeremy straightened himself and quickly made his way to the room that she had entered, "Why'd you scream, we don't even know whose house this is we can't jus..." Jeremy froze.

Standing opposite of them, his hand shaking and holding a crossbow was Calor, dressed in his best robes. In his other hand was a glowing stone.


No one was talking.

"No!!! I don't need to listen to you any longer! I can deal with this myself."

Jeremy attempted to diffuse the situation, "Heeeey man, just calm down, we won't do anything, we ca"

Calor pointed his crossbow towards Jeremy and then paused, raising the stone closer to his ear.

Ellena took advantage of his divided attention and whispered, "Be careful, that's Calor. He's holding the Heart of Endymion."

"Who are you and how did you get inside."

"We uh..." Jeremy thought about the various bits and pieces of information that he'd absorbed from the others, "We are uh, messengers, here to aid you?"

Calor laughed, "I knew it! See, see! I told you..."

"Alright so just put the cr-"

Calor stared angrily at Jeremy, and then listened to the heart.

"Wait... how do I know that you aren't lying... I need to be sure..."

Calor's fingers tensed up on the crossbow, and Jeremy started to sweat when Ellena blurted out, "We will take you to the Core! Directly!"


Jeremy followed up, "Yes! I can take you directly to the core!"

"Can you truly do this?"

Jeremy and Ellena nodded, "Then let us go..." Calor smiled, still pointing his crossbow as Jeremy and Ellena made their way to a door.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea? He doesn't seem to be uh... all together..."

"It was the only thing I thought would work! And he has the Heart."

"So where is the core..."


Ellena and Jeremy finished their conversation and Jeremy slowly put his hand around the knob. Once again he heard that voice say... something... as the door opened and Calor pushed them through...


"Wardell could you drop some books or something?"

"I've already tossed a few and I don't think that tossing more will work!"

"Why not a few at once?"

"Look, this is already a very stressed environment and I don't lik-Oof!"

Wardell ran into someone and then fell backwards.

Geoff stopped as a group of people ran past him, going after the cultists.

"Well, glad to see that your investigation went so well."

Geoff greeted the page who had earlier bailed him and Wardell out, "And I'm glad to see you here, even if I'm not sure how..."

"We can talk later."

"Why? What's going on?" As those words left Geoff's mouth, and Wardell attempted to stand up, the ground began to shake and the power started flickering.

"Well, for starters, the end of the world."

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 3: Endymion] - by Solaris - 02-15-2014, 02:27 AM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM