RE: Godhood XIV [Sugar Edition]
02-11-2014, 04:45 AM
The Goddess of Dreams, Esuna, slipped in and out and about and around the universe like a dancing shadow, before settling upon the Earthlike world.
Her eyes fell upon the Spinning Ann, then on the conspicuous lack of food for them.
"Well that's no good" she said aloud,
She pondered for a moment, and then tossed a handful of seeds into the sky. They fell all over the world, spinning like tiny helicopters as they did, and planted themselves into the earth. There, great rivers spread like roots, and sprouted into aquatic trees. As the trees grew, more of the edible seeds would scatter about. Most would be eaten by the tiny windmills, but many would sprout into still more trees, and with them more rivers.
As the old trees died, the rivers would dry up, replaced with the new.
3 Acts - Riverwood - Simple Plant Life + Special Properties
Her eyes fell upon the Spinning Ann, then on the conspicuous lack of food for them.
"Well that's no good" she said aloud,
She pondered for a moment, and then tossed a handful of seeds into the sky. They fell all over the world, spinning like tiny helicopters as they did, and planted themselves into the earth. There, great rivers spread like roots, and sprouted into aquatic trees. As the trees grew, more of the edible seeds would scatter about. Most would be eaten by the tiny windmills, but many would sprout into still more trees, and with them more rivers.
As the old trees died, the rivers would dry up, replaced with the new.
3 Acts - Riverwood - Simple Plant Life + Special Properties