Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime

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Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime (TWS)
(01-10-2012, 11:33 AM)Fabricati Wrote: »B is for Bar the Door?

It's already got plenty of bars! Besides, I'd rather like to find some way out, rather than staying in.

(01-11-2012, 02:14 AM)Chwoka Wrote: »Dig!!!

Ah! That's more like it! An escape tunnel! The ground is rather soft here, perhaps I can...

*dig dig dig*

"I don't think you're going to get out any time soon. You'd have to dig down quite a bit to get below the moat, and you certainly don't want to dig through it, I can assure you. You're welcome to try, but I doubt you'll make significant progress before the knight arrives."

Oh. I suppose that's reason enough to stop. Besides, I just seem to be kicking up dirt.

(01-13-2012, 02:06 AM)btp Wrote: »Don a disguise!

Ah! A disguise! But what can I use? There's nothing here but the clothes on my back... and this pile of dirt...

*pat pat pat*

There! A false beard, and I've covered my hair to match! Now the knight won't recognize me!

*clank clank clank*

"Right! I'm Keith the Knight, and I'm here to escort the new prisoner!"

Oh my. Here he is. I do hope this works.

"Eh? You're not the fellow I brought in earlier. I don't think his hair was so black, and he certainly didn't have such a thick beard."

No! No, I'm not! Please, let me out! There's been a terrible mistake!

"Hmm. Well, I could, but honestly, what's the point? My pay's the same whether you're supposed to be in here or not. Now, get on out here."

Oh dear. He's opened the door. If I'm going to try something, now would be a good time to do it...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime (TWS) - by Dragon Fogel - 03-05-2012, 05:31 AM
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime - by btp - 06-16-2016, 02:38 PM
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime - by btp - 08-22-2016, 11:55 PM