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Username: SleepingOraaaaange
Name: Johann Pachelbel
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Color: In-D cred, yo

Description: Johann is very musically-minded and a celebrity in his own time, which has made him a bit disconnected and a bit of a diva. The events of his later life have also given him a great religious fervor and near-insane stickleriness. He is hard to get along with, and will jump at any opportunity to debate or argue about the subjects that interest him. They are subjects that primarily interest few other people.

Weapons/Abilities: Johann has developed a truly incredible, bordering on the supernatural, memory. He is also a well-respected composer, a prominent theologian, and – for reasons even he doesn't understand – a dab hand with artillery.

Aside from that, there's not much to recommend him! He's just a dude, and not a super likable one. Limited multiversal shelf-life.

Biography: Johann Pachelbel was born in 1653 in Nuremberg into a middle-class family, son of Johann (Hans) Pachelbel (born 1613 in Wunsiedel, Germany), a wine dealer, and his second wife Anna (Anne) Maria Mair. The exact date of Johann's birth is unknown, but since he was baptized on September 1, he may have been born in late August. The rest you can mostly find out on your own.

The important bit comes after he composed and released the piece that would become his most famous work. He was struck by divine inspiration, believing that God had chosen him to weed out the inconsistencies and corruption and lies within His church. He became obsessed with determining which of the religious texts the church held as sacred were truly the writings of the Lord, as well as which rules and regulations the church enforced were truly righteous. It took him years, but eventually he compiled his own version of Christianity, declaring it to be the only uncorrupted one. His celebrity status meant that a number of people began subscribing to the faith, leading to healthy but almost-cultlike offshoot of the dominant religion. With himself as the church's leader and a former Abbess at his right hand, the movement thrived. (After his disappearance, it was she that would take the reigns of the religion, and under her guidance it would metamorphose into the veneration of cylindrical metal containers.)

Once he had finished setting the groundwork of his new church, he thought his life's work would be complete. However, his obsession remained: without religious teachings to document and declare true or false, he turned his attentions to the laws of his native Germany, and eventually to the works of popular authors of his day (especially those that produced serial works). He had nearly run out of things to turn his crazed eye on when, one day, he simply vanished.

As he did so, he heard a commanding voice speak "There. Now nobody has to make any of the obvious ones."

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST FIVE: CANNONS! SUBMISSIONS WELCOME!] - by SleepingOrange - 02-04-2014, 07:28 PM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIII: ANGLE!] - by !? - 07-06-2014, 02:08 PM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIII: ANGLE!] - by !? - 07-14-2014, 01:51 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIV: SWAG!] - by Gatr - 07-24-2014, 01:44 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 28: NEKKID] - by Sai - 10-03-2014, 02:06 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 28: NEKKID] - by Sai - 10-08-2014, 06:19 PM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 29: STOIC] - by Sai - 10-14-2014, 07:46 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 29: STOIC] - by Sai - 10-15-2014, 03:11 AM