Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening

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Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (mystery boxes) [LWRPG]
The party staggers back into the break room exhausted, battered, and singed. Giles’ hair is still a little green from the last challenge. A soot covered Sylvain follows the party out slinging an unconscious Bart over his shoulder. Wordlessly, he thrusts his smoking clipboard into Ilves’ hand and carries the demon out of the chapter house and towards the nearest hospital.

Glancing first at the party, then to the metal door Sylvain exited through, Ilves pages through the surviving portions of the report.

“Guys sure took your time running the course. Thought I’d be waiting til the next solstice afore I heard back from you. Other than that though these marks are fairly impressive. You guys even managed to open the Kobayashi Box. I’d given up hope that I’d ever figure out what was in the damn thing.” He continued through the pages. “Good, good, satisfactory, good, ah, it says you failed the Noodle Soup challenge.” He glances again at the remaining recruits slumped in chairs or lying face down on the floor. Giles’ hair begins fading from purple to orange.

“Well, nobody’s perfect. I, Captain Ilves, as acting chairman of this branch of the Adventurer’s Guild, find your training to adequately surpass our requirements for admittance, etcetera, etcetera. I hereby pronounce you Adventurers. Don’t you all cheer at once now.”

One of you manages a mumbled ‘hurray’. The Foumillan walks around and passes out lapel pins to the four of you. “These pins bear all the prestige blah, blah, while wearing act in a manner becoming, blah blah. Now onto jobs.”
Ilves opens a door to another, larger room and waits for the party to slump their way in. A large musty world map covers most of a wall, pins in the nearby region mark places of interest. All of them are tagged ‘clear’. The wall opposite the map holds a large mostly empty bulletin board. A few job notices cling to the bottom of it. The final wall is decorated with a mostly stocked liquor bar. The Moatin behind it looks to be bored out of his wits.
The bartender isn’t the only occupant of the room though. Sitting at the bar is a grubby Duonasi gentleman, whose very manner seems to exude ‘grifter’, and a young Moatin, who seems to be having his ear talked off by the other. At one table, two attractive Celarui women giggle at a joke shared between them, and at another, a lone Aumoli in battle armor silently nurses a drink.

All but the young Moatin seem completely at ease with the weapons at their hips or on their backs.
Ilves gestures at the bulletin board. “Jobs’re posted there when they come our way. We’re a little low right now, but there should be something you can do. Perform well and attract business, and maybe we’ll see that board fill up. For now, grab a drink (first one’s on the house), introduce yourselves to the other adventurers, check out the jobs, tour the city if you’re new in town. Come see me when you’re ready to accept a mission .”

With that Ilves hits up the bar and retires to a corner table with a drink in hand.

Boon granted: Bootcamp Bond (+1 to teamwork actions with those you trained with)


Welcome to 2014 Year of the Reboot. I’ll be taking over Mr. Guy’s Glorified Mercenaries and will be doing my damnedest to not embarrass myself or my abysmal writing technique in doing so. Everything in the OP should still be true though I’m adding a couple administrative notes. First off Signups are reopen. Nutcase is MIA and Nottles is dropping out, and that means there’s room for more characters, but more than just two slots are open. I’m significantly raising the player cap for the game which brings me to the next point. Partying up is encouraged, but not mandatory. PBP style games offer a lot of flexibility that live-action tabletops don’t, and while it’s dangerous to go alone, don’t feel obligated to stay with the party just because that’s where everyone else is. Considering the amount of players I’m allowing, I encourage you to split into smaller groups and explore the world with the party of your choice. I feel this multipath strategy will help add redundancies to the game and keep it going should a player or two ever fall off the map. Thirdly, Combat will take place in IRC. If combat’s initiated in thread, I’ll ask the involved players for some preferred times to take care of it and resolve the scene shortly after.

I hope I can give this wonderful world Guy’s created the game it deserves. Without further ado, let’s get explorifying.

Messages In This Thread
RE: GM OP - by SleepingOrange - 02-02-2014, 07:11 AM
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (mystery boxes) [LWRPG] - by Granolaman - 02-02-2014, 06:51 AM