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Username: Ixcaliber
Name: Beatrix (but nobody has called her that in a long time)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Colour: #A52A2A
Biography: Beatrix was considered to be the most beautiful woman in the whole Irale. Which is to say she was the most perfect combination of features favoured by that society; fair auburn hair, striking hazel eyes, pale complexion and the daintiest little nose, not to mention her ample figure. She became known throughout Irale, and wherever she went men, some women and sometimes even gods themselves would profess their love for her and bend over backwards to accommodate her. At first she was flattered; enraptured by all this attention, but gradually she came to realize that they weren't interested in her as a person but an object to be admired and enjoyed.

One day she was accosted by a demigod named Makra. He was tall, muscular and very conventionally handsome; and the son of the King of the Irale Pantheon. He was also a jerk who wasn't used to being told no, so when Beatrix refused his offer of a night of passion Makra decided that he would take what he wanted regardless. He hauled her through the streets to his temple, and though she tried her hardest to break free or fight back she was helpless against Makra's semi-divine strength. She did everything she could think of, anything to try to escape. She pleaded and begged, attempted to reason with Makra, screamed for help and when none of that worked she prayed.

Her prayer was answered by a goddess named Rai. Accounts differ on whether this was an earnest and compassionate attempt to aid a woman in distress or simply a convenient means to get back at Makra and his father. Either way the end result was the same; Rai granted Beatrix immense power, such as to rival the gods themselves. She made her strong enough that no man would ever be able to stand in the way of her will again.

With this gift Beatrix managed to overpower Makra, and she might have slain him if she had tried, but she did not. All she wanted was to be out of there, to be away from him and to be safe, and so she fled his temple. Makra chose not to chase her but his wounded pride would not let him let it go. He cursed her that her will would always be secondary; that it would always be sublimated by the will of others. From that moment on, any instruction or command given to her she would be compelled to complete, as long as it was possible for her to do so, regardless of her feelings on the matter.

Beatrix left Irale and found a more peaceful life elsewhere, her curse no more than a nuisance as she found herself doing jobs and favours that she otherwise would have rather not. It was not a problem until a man who history would remember as Girn the Conquerer discovered both her blessing and her curse. He sought to use her as though she were a weapon to be unleashed upon the world. With power to rival that of the Gods unquestionably under his control he crushed all those that would stand against him. Beatrix fought off entire armies by herself and tore down the most fortified keeps with her bare hands. For Girn victory was effortless, soon opposing armies would surrender at the sight of Beatrix.

And so it continued through the centuries, whilst Girn aged and died Beatrix never appeared to age a day beyond the day her prayer had been answered. Potential tyrants and dictators waged wars to claim her as their own, knowing with her under their control they could not be beaten. But in truth after that first war for Girn, Beatrix seldom saw actual combat again. More often than not she was a deterrant, and occasionally she was trotted out demonstrate her power. Until one day when she simply was gone.

Equipment/Abilities: Beatrix is immortal, but not invincible. She does not age or tire. She has incredible strength, the ability to recover quickly from any non-lethal damage and the ability to endure wounds that should kill any ordinary mortal with barely any noticeable pain.

Only clear and explicit instructions must be obeyed. Questions such as "would you mind doing this thing for me?" or suchlike do not count. Impossible commands can be ignored. Newer orders are prioritised; if two commands contradict one another she will follow the most recent one.

Standing orders, such as "never remove that helmet" only last until the person who gave the order dies (or, alternately, until Beatrix and the person who gave the order are in separate worlds).

Description: Beatrix is no longer the perfect specimen of Iralean beauty she once was. She is in fact barely recognizable. Her fair auburn hair has been shaved off, and her face and body are covered with more scars than a mortal could reasonably accrue in a lifetime.

She wears a battered and tattered suit of chainmail, and a thick black metal helmet fashioned into a serene replica of Beatrix's former beauty; it too is battered and dented. It is held in place with an inbuilt locking system at the nape of the neck, and has built into it earmuffs which blot out any sound from the outside world.

The outfit is affixed with the vibrant red sigils of Emperor Ruish II; these silken banners are the only part of her armour pristine and undamaged.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST FOUR: COMMAND! SUBMISSIONS WELCOME!] - by Ixcaliber - 01-28-2014, 07:50 PM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIII: ANGLE!] - by !? - 07-06-2014, 02:08 PM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIII: ANGLE!] - by !? - 07-14-2014, 01:51 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIV: SWAG!] - by Gatr - 07-24-2014, 01:44 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 28: NEKKID] - by Sai - 10-03-2014, 02:06 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 28: NEKKID] - by Sai - 10-08-2014, 06:19 PM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 29: STOIC] - by Sai - 10-14-2014, 07:46 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 29: STOIC] - by Sai - 10-15-2014, 03:11 AM