The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure

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The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure
RE: The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure
I do not like prison cells. They are too damp, too constraining for my liking. I want to tear these bars out of the wall. But I wait. Finally, the elemental comes. Another creature of magic. Just like me. Heh.

I step out into the room. The smell of blood is in the air. The guard? Dead. At least the crystal is serious. My lance is near. There! And then my shield and pack. Good. I am ready.

One, one of the others sets the prisoners loose. A distraction? If the enemy is good, they will notice some are missing - us. Well, it will buy a little time.

"Careful. More guards could be ahead."

I listen at the door ahead, spear ready. They will not hear my strike before it is too late.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure - by Vancho1 - 01-24-2014, 12:39 PM