Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]

Don't take this the wrong way, but the Surprise Trait isn't that great on it's own. Unless you can reliably disappear in combat, like with an invisibility potion, then it becomes amazing. But It also synergies with my Leader Skill which I am upgrading, so I can't complain about it too much.)


+2 Speed
+1 Strength
+1 Bohw's Intimidate
+1 Mayor's Guile


Focused Hate: When transforming, Bohw has less Insanity the more hurt she is. Critical Failures still give 100% insanity, the chance of Critical Failures when using Hellbent is doubled. (From 5% to 10%)

Leader II: When an ally scores a critical, Bohw gains an even higher bonus to her next roll (It still caps at +6, however). Whenever Bohw assists or is assisted in an attack, her Partner gains the Leader Bonus as well, capping at +6. Partners consume stacks of Leader when assisting and the bonus applies to Special Abilities.
Carefully observing, Bohw has learned the strengths and weaknesses of her comrades, with this knowledge she hopes to steer them in the right direction.

Special Ability

Selfless II:

This replaces Selfless.
When used, Mayor undergos a Crystaline Transformation and relies on his basic, gutteral instincts of protecting everyone he holds dear. Every turn Selfless is Active, Mayor intercepts an attack that would kill another player if possible, or failing that, the highest damage attack that turn that's possible. If Mayor dies intercepting an attack, he explodes in a glorious fashion, dealing damage to anyone nearby (maybe) and making him unable to revive until a period of time passes.

Based on a roll, Mayor gains a Health Regen, Damage Reduction and increased Taunting ability, however he also gains Healing Resistance and Power Reduction based on a seperate roll. By expending Charges the duration and bonuses are increased, Mayor must use at least 1 Charge to activate Selfless, but if he uses the Maximum ammount of storable Charges, in addition to the high bonuses, Mayor also gains access to a hidden ability, which does high damage to a single target and ends his transformation.

High Cooldown. Selfless takes up the turn transforming and cannot be cancled once used. For every turn Selfless is off cool-down, Mayor gains a Selfless Charge.


Because lets face it, No Dual-Tech traits when I have 2 characters? I've been missing out, big time. Also making Hellbent more reliable is kind of a pressing issue here.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers] - by BlazerC - 01-20-2014, 03:34 PM