The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure

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The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure
RE: The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure
Name: Arkhan Irgish
Race: Sundmerling

The Sundmerlings were originally created as servants to the Suulian Wizards, whose experiments with golems and artificial life were well-known to scholars and rulers alike. The Suulian Order held several schools across the various kingdoms, and soon Sundmerlings, hard to create as they were, became a common sight in cities where wizards congregated. The Suulian school of thought fell out of favor, though, when some of their experiments regarding death became clear. They were purged with ruthless efficiency, and the Sundmerlings were left masterless. Most were slaughtered as well, since they fought to defend their masters, but a fair number managed to escape. Rogue Suulians managed to give them the ability to reproduce on their own, splitting the Sundmerlings into several types to allow them to function in society. As such, they do not have gender characteristics, but due to societal norms, most identify as Male or Female depending on preference.

The types are Tinker, Hunter, and Scholar. Tinkers are builders and inventors, who are naturally predisposed to mediation. Hunters are fighters and free-spirits, who defend and uphold the standards of the community. Finally, Scholars are curious and inquisitive, always seeking out new ideas to introduce.

Sundmerlings can reproduce in two ways: Type-Copy, and Type-Meld. Type-Copy mating requires two of the same type, and will produce an offspring of the same type. Type-Melding requires two of different types, and produces the third.

Each Sundmerling also has a color. How colors mix, nobody knows for sure, but the most common seen are Blue, Violet, Red, and Orange.

Gender: Hunter (Prefers Male Pronoun).

Color: A proud member of the People of Blue (#00BFFF)


Bronze Lance
Leather Armor
Dry Rations


Improved Reflexes: In order to fight and hunt effectively, the Hunters have fast reaction speeds and better peripheral vision.

Spear-Shield Fighting: Arkhan is trained in combat with light weapons, using his lance and his shield in combination to block attacks and push enemies out of the way while he stabs at them.

Throwing Accuracy: Having trained in hunting animals for years, Arkhan can effectively use a javelin in combat, able to hit a moving target at a fair distance.

Hunters' Vitality: Hunters have naturally improved healing and high pain tolerance.

Combat First Aid: Arkhan can give wounds basic treatment, though anything serious requires professional medical attention.


Ravenous Appetite: In order to sustain his body, Arkhan needs twice the food a human would doing the same physical activity.

Single-Minded: When focused on a task, Arkhan ignores everything unrelated to it. For example, if he is fighting, he might not notice that mage casting a spell, or if he is disarming a trap, someone sneaking up behind him might have a better chance to kill him.

Blood-Thirst: Fight to kill. This is a philosophy Arkhan subscribes to wholly. He is quick to engage a perceived threat, and will not take prisoners, or even fight non-lethally, without a very good reason or someone to restrain him.

Tactless: Arkhan cannot handle negotiation, or even basic social interaction, without insulting someone, implying his superiority, or making sure he is unwelcome.

Physical Description: Arkhan is a lean, compact humanoid, shorter than the average human. He is in peak physical condition, with well-developed muscles showing through his pale blue skin. His arms are tattooed with marks, representing his group and his name. There is a curious symbol burned into the skin of his chest, on which he refuses to comment. He keeps his black hair just long enough to be tied into a ponytail behind his head. His yellow eyes pierce with anger, and his face is sharp and pointed. Arkhan wears practical clothing, especially his well-worn leather armor, which bears the signs of mending after many battles. His weapons seem out of place, as they are shiny and well-maintained.

Personality: If he could be described in one word, that would be abrasive. Arkhan is definitely a polarizing person, as he cares little for others beyond his immediate goals. He has a strong loyalty for whatever group he is in, and to his people, favoring other Sundmerlings over any others. Despite not being an intellectual, he has a long memory for those who have crossed him, and delights in taking his revenge. Otherwise, he only has a mind for martial matters, preferring to leave planning and diplomacy to others.

Biography: The Sundmerlings spread across the kingdoms after the end of the Suulian Wizards, and they mostly kept to themselves. Arkhan was born in a small, isolated village built by some of the first free Sundmerlings, or Old Ones, who were immortal due to their magical nature, but had mostly disappeared or gone into a deep slumber. They were subjects of the crown of Zadal, paying minimal taxes in return for keeping down the bandit activity in the mountainous Zadal-Krahl border.

Arkhan was on an important hunt. He was alone, stalking his prey: a prized White Hart, a rare deer which grew large enough to feed the entire village, and whose magic, while often weak, helped wake the Old Ones for a little while to provide guidance to the Sundmerlings in times of need. The rest of the Hunters had lost the trail, but he managed to keep on it, trekking for days across the rocky landscape in search of it.

The hart was ahead, grazing on a patch of grass. It had not sensed him yet, and as it stood, he crept towards it, crouched in the brush, javelin ready to fly. The deer shot up. Could it have heard him? Then, the smell of smoke on the wind turned his attention away, just for a moment. When he looked back, the White Hart was gone. But the smell remained.

The trees in the glade were tall, tall enough to give a good view of the landscape. He scanned the horizon. Perhaps some bandits were nearby, or some idiot had left a fire untended? He would need to report it to the village, tell them to be wary. And yet he could see nothing in the surrounding forest. He turned to climb down, when his eyes caught a plume of smoke in the distance. But wasn't that in the direction of the village?

Only ashes remained. They had tried to fight, but it was clear that the attackers were more numerous. It looked as if one of the Old Ones was awake, but even that could not stop them. Whoever they were, the enemies were organized and thorough. Not an emblem remained. Arkhan turned to leave, when he spied a figure standing in the burned-out remains of one of the only stone houses. It wasn't a friend, he thought. He reached for his javelin, intending to kill at least one of the interlopers.

A constellation of pain exploded into his chest. He could not see, he could not hear, he could not feel anything but the burning above his heart. And yet, a voice pierced through his mind.

"Your arrogance is astounding. You were built to serve, and yet you think you deserve freedom like any other? Fools. The rest burned for their sin. But you... you might serve some purpose yet. Go forth, and bear forever the mark of your sin. Tell your kind that their purpose is to be bound in servitude. This is your punishment."

Arkhan's revenge against Krahl is personal. He will avenge his family, his village, and hunt down the wizard who shamed him. And maybe, when the tyrants are overthrown, his people can have a land of their own to call home?

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure - by Vancho1 - 01-19-2014, 09:08 PM