The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure

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The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure
RE: The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure
Name: Leon Zin
Race: Mostly Human
Gender: Male
Color: An Earthy Brown #8B4513.

Equipment and Abilities: Leon is mostly human, but has a bit of elf blood in his veins. He is a little more agile and dexterous than other humans and has excellent handwriting. He is knowledgeable in history and natural theory and carries several books covering a variety of subjects. He has some basic arcane ability and can create minor magical effects. Leon carries with him a simple short-sword and crossbow which he is fairly proficient with. Filling his pockets and much of his pack are a variety of odds and ends, randomly gathered from his travels.

Description: Leon is a messy and disorganized person. His thick brown hair is unkempt and a bit dirty. A short scraggly beard and damaged leather coat make him appear as a beggar or vagabond. He has a variety of tools and writing utensils poking haphazardly out of every one of the multitude of pockets that adorn his person. Curious blue eyes peak out from under an old, tattered, wide brimmed, hat. Leon is rarely seen without a book or journal. He is always reading or writing, constantly formulating new theories or examining this or that. He often becomes quite obsessive whenever he finds something that interests him. Who knows the lengths this man will go in pursuit of his passions.

Biography: Before the Krahl attack Leon would travel from place to place, exploring and studying anything that happened to catch his fancy. His parents had been quite wealthy in their time and had left him a significant fortune which he used to sustain himself for a time. Eventually he spent almost all of it on books and items for his collection. He began to sell various relics from his travels to support his lifestyle.

Once again running low on money, Leon turned to selling some of his notes and research. The local College of Grammewen took interest in some of his theories, and before long Leon found himself teaching history in one of the largest Colleges in Zadal. He quickly consumed the College Library and gained no small renown for his theories, not to mention his eccentricity.

Despite this success Leon was afflicted by an insatiable wanderlust. The small trips allowed by the college were no longer enough, he wanted something more. His eyes turned to the nation of Krahl. The secluded nation intrigued him. Soon he made preparations for a long journey and set out on a grand adventure.
His exploration was cut short by the advent of war. Trapped in Krahl, and now hunted by its local peoples, Leon was forced to go into hiding. He managed to avoid capture for the better part of four years, but found himself lost in the Krahlian wilderness, unable to return home. Eventually he was captured by a military patrol and forgotten in a dungeon with only his books to keep him company.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Warlords of Krahl - A Collaborative Writing Adventure - by Truegreen - 01-17-2014, 06:03 PM