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Username: Truegreen
Name: Daniel Weiss and the Hive Lord
Species: Human and Parasitic Abomination
Gender: M/M?
Color: #808000

Description: Daniel is a completely normal clerk. He is slight of build and a bit out of shape. This man is not running any marathons folks. He is generous and kind, going out of his way to help others even at cost to himself. His goal in life is to be the best person he can be and improve the lives of those around him but otherwise has no special powers, abilities, or even artifacts. What Daniel doesn't know is that he is infested with an alien parasite beyond human ken. It lives in his brain and calls itself the Hive Lord. As a megalomaniac bent on universal conquest and enslaving all living things, the Hive Lord is a menace in any place it happens to find itself. It also has the bad habit of completely subverting its host's will and energizing their body with powers from a dimension that really shouldn't exist. The only caveat is that the Hive Lord has a little trouble with Sunlight. While the host is standing in direct or partial sunlight, the parasite just can't take control. Of course the Hive Lord has a plan for this. That is, he intends to bury every world he conquers in an endless night.

Weapons/Abilities: Daniel is completely normal, he has no special powers and abilities. The Hive Lord however can create small psychic fields, give its host unnatural strength and endurance, make its host highly resistant to harm, and open small rifts into its home dimension. Not to mention it's mind enslaving talents and its tendency to spread its vile spawn everywhere it can. The Hive Lord can only enhance its host while in control of their mind. This eliminates all of such abilities in direct sunlight. However, its other abilities are only weakened by sunlight.

Biography: Daniel was making a sandwich. It was his favorite, tuna on rye. Daniel loved making sandwiches. You might say it was his hobby. He sometimes took huge plates of the things to his office to share with his coworkers. He loved to see the layers come together, even on a sandwich as simple as this one. But his normal joy wasn't there today. Instead there was the strangest feeling that he was being watched...and judged. Maybe he should draw the blinds, no that was silly, he loved the sunlight. But perhaps it wouldn't hurt to have a little shade, he could go back to sleep catch up on some rest. Though the moment he thought that Daniel felt extremely silly. It was the middle of the day! And besides, he had a sandwich to fini...
A butter-knife fell to the floor clattering loudly. An unfinished tuna sandwich sat forlornly on the counter. And Daniel was quite suddenly further from home than he'd ever been.

Messages In This Thread
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RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIII: ANGLE!] - by !? - 07-06-2014, 02:08 PM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIII: ANGLE!] - by !? - 07-14-2014, 01:51 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIV: SWAG!] - by Gatr - 07-24-2014, 01:44 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 28: NEKKID] - by Sai - 10-03-2014, 02:06 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 28: NEKKID] - by Sai - 10-08-2014, 06:19 PM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 29: STOIC] - by Sai - 10-14-2014, 07:46 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 29: STOIC] - by Sai - 10-15-2014, 03:11 AM