The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
RE: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Triumphian's head ached.

Oh my that's a problem isn't it, must be all that head trauma.

Triumphian scowled and growled, still groggy from the sudden head ache, "Your words don't help, but it would take more than some brick and metal to penetrate the skull of..."

Triumphian paused for a moment, and looked around the room he had spawned in, tightening his grip on his staff. There was no one near him.

Hmm? You were saying something about a specimen as great and powerful as you? No?

"Where are you! Show yourself! Are you allied with one of the heathens?"

A heathen? I'm afraid that I'm a bit out of your simple labeling system, sir, or would you prefer Your Holiness? Or The full, Your Holiness the Glorious Pope Triumphian the First of the Holy Empire of Lagran?

Triumphian's staff lit up as he sent out a small pulse around him, hoping to reveal the invisible man that was harassing him. Was he psychic as well? But that didn't make sense with what he knew of the round or the other contestants.

I'm afraid that won't work, but I suppose that it is in my best interests to prevent you from making a fool of yourself. The reason why you can't see me, is because I am in you, or to be more accurate, inside your mind. I must say, it is very well organized, made it much easier for me to get accommodated. Oh, and I'm not psychic in nature, we both know that you have trained against that.

"I will ask again, who are you and how did you do this?"

Well, I do suppose if this is going to be a long term arrangement I should introduce myself, I am Anaminendes the Scholar. And honestly I don't know why I'm inside your brain, but I suppose it has something to do with the fireworks that blew up my book. I'm still miffed about that, by the way.

"Your book... the Encyclopedia? That traitor?"

I suppose those things are accurate, but I'm not the type to speak ill of or for the dead, so I'd prefer it if you didn't judge me on my... rather foolish successor.

The two of them were silent for a bit, with Anaminendes waiting for Triumphian to respond and Triumphian attempting to gather his thoughts and recover from what he supposed was a book-magic inflicted head ache.

Triumphian supposed that if the scholar could do anything to harm him, then he would have done so. It seemed that while he could see his memories and thoughts, and speak to him within his mind, there was little else he could do. And as neither of them seemed to be sure of how the union came to be, as far as they knew, both of them currently relied on the one of them with a body being alive to continue existing.

"Alright Scholar, I suppose that I'm stuck with you for now, but it is in our best interests that we co-operate."

Which, is to say that it is in your best interests that I help you get home? Or just with various facts and tricks I suppose?


I suppose there isn't really anything I can do besides agree though. What an absurd union. You can't hide anything from me, but I can't do anything at all! It's almost funny.

"Well scholar, if it is any consolation, I dislike you less than the others I've met on this adventure. You don't have that streak of impudence that I've seen all the others."

That's young people for you, nothing but trouble.

Just then, there was a flurry of pitter-pats coming down from one of the halls. Triumphian turned around and saw a small child running very quickly, with something in their hands, as they came closer, he also heard a voice shout, "I think she went that way! We must find the heathen!"


I believe that a child is running towards us, and away from a group who, if they are anything like you, plan to hurt her.

Triumphian scowled once more, thinking about what course of action to take. There was nowhere that someone as large as him could hide, so that left running or fighting...

We probably should try to keep a low profile.

Triumphian nodded, and with a swing of his staff, magically propelled the child towards him, while they were surprised, they somehow manged not to scream as a giant reptilian creature took hold of them and started to run faster than they ever had or likely ever could.

After a while, when it seemed like they had lost the search group, Triumphian stopped and gently placed the child on the floor. The child did not move, and only stared at Triumphian. The child had long, black, curly hair that reached to their shoulders, some of it was covering their face. The clothes they were wearing were nice, if a bit used, a long sleeved white shirt with yellow buttons going down. It wasn't tucked in to the similarly white pants, which seemed to open up to their white shoes.

After a while, he coughed and whispered to himself, "What's wrong with it..."

Er... I think, they, are startled, and for good reason, from what that er, blowhard, said, I don't think your species is quite common. It isn't every day that you see a completely new species appear out of no where. And it doesn't help that you are quite intimidating.

"So what do I do?"

I would start with reassuring the child that they are safe, maybe introducing yourself? Try to seem less harmful, smile!

Triumphian attempted to move his mouth so that the child could see his powerful, shiny and sharp jaws, and he attempted to move his eyelids and eyebrows so that they seemed more open and were not scowling. The child continued to not move.

"Hello there child," Triumphian began, trying not to move away from this unfamiliar expression, "My name is P-, Triumphian. I want to help you, what is your name?"

After that awkward attempt, the child began to giggle.

Still keeping his face as it was, Triumphian whispered, "What is it doing?"


"Is that good???"

Assuming that there aren't any great differences in culture, yes! We are making progress. Ask them how they feel or if they are hurt.

"Child, how are you? Did I hurt you?"

The child continued laughing, but managed to shake its head.

Alright I think that you can cut the smile, maybe talk a bit more serious to get their name out and such.

"Alright child, look, uhm... that's enough. Please stop?"

The child stopped laughing and then smiled before looking to the side and saying, "Uhm... I'm Cate... Trymfun... are you really not going to hurt me?"

Triumphian flinched at the mispronunciation of his name, but powered through it, "Yes, I am. Do you know why they were chasing after you?"

Cate frowned and grasped the small object tighter. She made an odd low screeching noise.

"What is she doing..."

I think she might cry, I feel like it has to do with that thing in her hand... we might need to calm her down...

"Cate, please keep calm! I'm want to help you! But you need to tell me what happened."

Cate stopped, but she was obviously still upset. Still, she managed to respond, "I... took this..."

Cate released her grip on the object she had been holding and with her palms open, revealed an ornate key with a long chain.

Triumphian could tell that it was important, and something about it felt off, but he wasn't sure what... "What is that?"

"It... its... the key... the key to the ark..."

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RE: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope] - by Solaris - 01-16-2014, 06:37 AM