RE: IRC highlights!
01-07-2014, 08:42 PM
Quote:<Garuru> isnt valhalla like viking heaven
<Garuru> i dont want to go there
<Paranoia> you get to fight big burly men in skimpy clothes for your afterlife
<Garuru> on second thought
<Paranoia> (also waifish pretty boys if thats your thing.)
<RedAce> valhalla is viking heaven
<Chwoka> are the waifish pretty boys easier to take down
<Garuru> they ARE vikings after all, so probably not
<RedAce> also you get to have feasts every day
<RedAce> like
<Paranoia> from a certain point of view, they go down a lot easier.
<RedAce> big ass feasts
* RedAce groans
<RedAce> para no
<RedAce> no
<Garuru> we werent the ones who brought up the word ass