The Fabricated Girl

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The Fabricated Girl
The Fabricated Girl
TW: contains blood!
Note: Click the spoilers! Just because they're hiding something doesn't mean they're supposed to be hidden forever!

The Fabricated Girl

Happy New Years, everybody!

Before you read this, you should read the prequel, "NO ONE FIGHTS ALIENS. HOWEVER, I DO!" If you don't, none of this will make sense.
click here for the prequel!
In fact, even if you already read it, you may want to go back and read it again. You don't have too, but it won't take long. It will help make sure you haven't forgotten any important details!


[Image: aBIt6cw.png]

Hi! I'm Faith Schougther.

[Image: NOcGWFW.png]

My father is Hope Shouter, the greatest hero mankind has ever known. He has two powers, the power of life, granting him immortality and the ability to bring others back from the dead, and clothing powers, where billions and billions of clothing molecules lie weightless and volumeless within his body, instantly forming clothes around him before he becomes naked. The clothing molecules can also form useful items that are always appropriate for the situation.

With his magical power of immortality, he survived falling through time, from a timeline where a mysterious Cloaked Woman started a war between humans and aliens. My father prevented that war from happening once he arrived here.

[Image: GTfeuZz.png]

Instead, the humans and aliens had a few peaceful negotiations, but ultimately the aliens flew back to their home planet. The Alien Leader said, "We'll come back when you humans aren't so boorrrring anymore- except for you Mr. President, you hunk of man you," and uh, I think they eloped or something. But anyways, the aliens aren't going to be back for a while.

[Image: zOOyHg6.png]

Since there was never any war, the Alien Fighter team of superheroes, A-FIG, was never formed and its members instead went on with their regular lives.

The "original" Hope Shouter still lives with my grandparents, and we visit them every year! My father isn't much older than this Hope Shouter, but they're still pretty different in personality. The original is... much louder.

[Image: WfVl48C.png]

There's also Rage Yawner and Gust Whiner. Even though they didn't know my dad, my dad knew them, so we found them and became good family friends! Both now work for the government. Rage Yawner's powers as a super smart robot and Gust Whiner's ability to manipulate gravity are being used to make contributions to science.

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Finally, there is my mother, Fear Cougher, who is super strong and super fast. She was in the diplomancy pantry where my father emerged through time and telefragged a box of narcotics. The narcotic explosion erased all of my mother's memories, and no one knows where she came from or who her family is. So my father took care of her, and they fell in love and had me!

She works a prison therapist, and helps criminals with their emotional problems. She helps them become happier and be better people. She believes that there is good in everyone, even if you can't see it!

My mother's influence has changed my father a lot from how he was back when he was fighting aliens. He doesn't shout constantly anymore... and he even eats food! He is much smarter too, I think, but he is still a bit unaware of his surroundings sometimes. In fact, he hasn't even noticed that he doesn't have his clothing powers anymore.

[Image: g2tZGDi.png]

Instead, he has me...

I am a clothing symbiote.

I was created by a scientist for my father when he was a child. This was my first birth. I fed off the immortality powers to keep me alive, but I couldn't think. The mechanics of clothing molecules reset me to a certain state constantly, so that if I was ever burned to ash, I would become clothing again. All I could do was use the same dimension bending powers that kept me weightless and volumeless to see into the future, and used that knowledge to compute the best item to create for any situation.

But one day, Hope Shouter fell into an alien nuclear reactor. My entire body burned, too fast for me to reset. I became something new... I was now sentient. This was my second birth. I could think now, for myself, and not just about what items to make. But I didn't want to be a clothing symbiote. I wanted to be free. I am still full of energy from the fusion event, and this is how I can exist independently of my father's infinite lifeforce. But at that time, I was still confined within my father.

But one day, an oppurtunity came, and I took it. I discarded all of these memories and started fresh inside a zygote. This was my third birth. I am no longer a sentient cloud of clothing molecules, as I have a body now! I am as human as any other human, I just also have billions and billions of clothing molecules under my control as well.

[Image: qDZOldM.png]

By seeing through time, I discovered the history of what I was before I became known as Faith, but in the third person. My life as Faith is all I have ever experienced or will ever experience. I am glad for that... I don't wish to remember existing without a body.

[Image: jyDhXcG.png]

But by seeing through time, I have seen what happened in the timeline my father left behind. Nothing but death.

The Cloaked Woman is done with that timeline, and she has already come to this timeline to kill everyone again! I saw her arrive yesterday, but I don't know where she is, and I need to stop her before anything bad happens!

Oh, and before you say anything, I want you to know that I don't want my parents involved! As much as I love them ..... I don't want them to be confused.
Instead I'm going to have to do this with Rage Yawner's and Gust Whiner's help!

[Image: mxXYNgB.png]

The only problem is that they are working inside the top secret government complex and I'm not allowed in! But it is urgent I get their help immediately. What should I do?

[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]

Messages In This Thread
The Fabricated Girl - by Crowstone - 01-01-2014, 05:49 AM
RE: The Fabricated Girl - by Dragon Fogel - 01-01-2014, 06:13 AM
RE: The Fabricated Girl - by Dragon Fogel - 01-15-2014, 01:15 AM
RE: The Fabricated Girl - by Whimbrel - 05-18-2014, 05:20 PM