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Username: it's sol
Name: Flawk
Species: Monster, Sougth-Wehstern
Gender: Female
Color: parliment's red
Description: To the common observer, Flawk is just a hooded, hunching figure in a large, striped, garishly decorated rainbow cloak. However, if one were to take a closer look at what was under the cloak's hood, they would see a withering mass of feathered creatures consonantly moving inside. The consciousness that connects and controls all of these birds is known as Flawk.

While she is not the brightest bulb on the monster tree, she is curious, resourceful, and determined. When she figures out that she wants something, she will get it, and she will use everything she has to do it. This has lead to a few close encounters, some run-ins with unscrupulous folk, and a lack of close friends, but Flawk chooses to see the brighter side of things. She gets to have all of these experiences and stories to tell, and she gets to learn more about the world around her! She wants to settle down someday, and just sit and tell stories about all of the wild things she used to do, but until then she's content with living one day at a time.

Weapons/Abilities: As a mystical-animal monster creature, Flawk is capable of shifting her form from the hooded figure in a cloak into a giant flock of birds. Every bird is a living creature that can act independently, but ultimately they all follow Flawk's will. Individual birds can be harmed or die without causing damage to Flawk, but if too many are harmed, then upon turning back, Flawk will be in great pain. The transformation is sort of an all or nothing deal though, while every bird that Flawk turns into doesn't need to be present for her to turn back, if it doesn't return to the flock then it ceases to be a part of her. This doesn't matter to Flack much though, because she's always picking up new birds anyway.

Biography: "The farther from Centrall, the worse off you are."

Flawk doesn't know who or what told her this, but after her first and only visit to that depraved excuse for a city, she immediately declared it false. After all, she thought to herself, the Sougth, Wehst, and Sougth-Wehst can all be equally as far from Centrall as the other, and how good or bad the people had it certainly didn't have to do with the distance from some walled off city.

As Flawk mused on her memories and thoughts, she spotted someone walking along the road, someone with machinery and wires, who didn't seem to be all there. Was it someone from the Nyorth or Eest or both? What were they doing here? What was with all of those sparkles that seemed to be coming out of them? How were they walking with one leg?

Flawk was excited, she hadn't seen anyone this interesting in days, she needed to meet them right now! Flawk spread out her cloak and dissipated into a large group of birds who proceeded to make their way to the hulking creature.

"Hi," she said, as the birds once again formed a cloaked figure. The creature continued on. "I said hi! Hello, hola! Uhm uhh... Yo!"

She continued on and on, until the creature finally gave in and said, "WHAT?"

"Hi, where are you from, are you a hybrid like me, why did you come here, whats with all of those sparkly things?"


Flawk was nonplussed, "Nah, I get that all the time, I just ignore it at this point." Flawk leaned towards the creature, "Between you and me, I don't think most folk like hybrids, yanno?"

The creature looked down at Flawk's emotionless face, frowning a little. With some reluctance, it sighed. "I AM UER. IF YOU WISH TO TRAVEL WITH ME, YOU MAY, WHAT IS YOUR NAME."

"I'm Flawk, I like you! So, like I said..." Flawk and Uer continued to talk until it got late, at which point Flawk asked if they could stop and take a rest. Later, when she woke up, Uer was gone. She didn't try calling out its name, nor did she try looking for it. She just kept her eyes peeled for something interesting, like she always did.

"Just another day, I suppose."

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