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Username: Garuru
Names: Project "Able" and Project "Cain"
Races: Superhuman and Superhuman
Genders: Male and Male
Color: #888800
Description: Project "Able" (henceforth called Able) is a rather young-looking fellow with an angelic face. Golden straight shoulder-length locks, mischievous cheekbones, the like. But this face has been permanently contorted in a snarl of hatred. It is unsure why he has this grimace, but one thing is for sure, he is looking for somebody. He seems to have an obsession with this "Cain". And nobody has even heard of this "Cain", but, instead of elaborating when asked, Able tends to just fly off the hook and kill someone. Anyone, really. He is dressed in a simple grey jumpsuit, emblazoned with some random-looking numbers. He has no shoes or socks, and his only ornaments are a pair of handcuffs, broken of course.

Project "Cain" (henceforth called Cain) has a similar appearance, but his hair is dull brown and curly, and his face is similarly dull. In contrast to Able's look of hatred, his is a look of nervousness. It appears he is running away from someone (it's Able). He also has a simple gray jumpsuit, but he has no handcuffs, and he does indeed have shoes. A nice pair of Keds, although they are kind of worn out. Oh and he also has a mysterious mark on his forehead. That's kind of important.

Weapons/Abilities: It is hard to pinpoint just what their abilities are, but Able has been known to "teleport" although this has later been proved to be simply super speed. He can also fly, and some people say they can see shimmering outlines of six wings behind him as he does so. He may have other abilities, but, as he is rather single-minded in his pursuit, he does not have much creativity.

Cain's abilities, however, are more clear. He accidentally creates monsters wherever he goes. They range in size from mosquito to Godzilla, and they always have some deadly power, whether it's nerve poison or just being Godzilla big. He has no control over this power, so he is always trying to avoid populated areas. It's possible that the type and Deadliness Rating of the monsters are based on his emotions. He has no remarkable abilities otherwise, but he has never been harmed by his own creations, which is something, I guess. In fact, I don't think they can even see him.

Another thing to note is that Able seems forced to fight Cain's monsters if he should see them. This may explain why Cain is not dead yet, despite Able's abilities.

Backstory: Their backstories are shrouded in mystery, but we do have an interview with the director of the lab they escaped from.

Us: "You are... Dr. Adam Appelbaum, yes? Director of Serpent of Eden Laboratories?"
Dr. Adam Appelbaum: "Yes."
Us: "Alright... so can you elaborate on exactly what happened the night of July 25?"
AA: "Well, the details are still confidental, I'm afraid, but it wouldn't hurt to tell the public about this. There was a... breakout. By two of our most valuable experiments. One of our guards... never mind, it's a long story. So, anyways, we've been trying to capture them, but it's proven difficult thus far. So, um, watch out. These experiments appear totally human, but don't be fooled! They are highly dangerous, and we urge that you steer clear of them, if you see them."
Us: "Okay, and what do they look like? Do you have any pictures?"
AA: "They're kinda... human-looking. You know? One of them is blond, and the other has brown hair. And they're males. Well, male-looking."
Us: "That isn't very helpful-"
AA: "Oh, but they are wearing the exact same jumpsuit I'm wearing right now! Only theirs' is grey, not green. Other than that, well, it'll be obvious when you see them, I suppose. They have that... vibe about them."
Us: "Um. Okay. So, this has been a PSA to everyone in the vicinity. Stay clear of anyone with grey jumpsuits and odd vibes."

We have also salvaged a few eyewitness reports:

Crazy Woman: "I swear I saw it! There was a big frog thing attacking Old Man Hannon's house! It was the size of my car, and it was spewing acid all over the house! Oh, it was horrible! But then this absolute angel flew in and started slashing away at it with an axe! It was kind of gross, actually. But nothing could ever mar that angelic face! I wish I had gotten his number. Hmm."
Us: "Erm, you say he flew in?"
CW: "Yeah, he was flying and all that. I think he even had, like, wings... Oh! Was he like, literally an angel? Ohmigosh! Why did I not get his number?!"

Some Old Guy in a Bar: "So, it was pretty late at night, yeah? I was just about to head home to my wife, but then this odd feller staggers in out of nowhere. He was wearing a jumpsuit or something, was that what it's called? So uh yeah he walks to the bar and orders the strongest thing. Of course, we all know what that is. Hehehe... And, get this, he downs it in one gulp! A'int never seen nobody do that, least not here... So, of course, we got a little bit concerned... y'now, he looked pretty young. But he seemed okay. At least until later, when he stumbled off the stool and vomited. We had a good laugh over it, but turns out it wasn't vomit, it was bees. Yeah, bees poured out of his mouth and started stinging everybody. They musta been like super-bees, too, because everybody who was stung just kinda... blew up. It was grisly. Fortunately, I got out of there pretty fast. And the worst part was my wife didn't believe me at all when I told her why I was late!"

Errata: Yes, I know it's spelled Abel in the Bible, but this misspelling was intentional.
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