Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Thunderpaw tried his best to avoid gazing at the sky and the ship that dwelled above. It was funny actually; considering the timing it almost reminded him of that airship girl from earlier.

Wait a second.


It was rather advantageous for her to show with reinforcement, but too late still. Using her airship fire as cover, Thunderpaw would slip away into the darkness unnoticed, until both the ruins and the ship were far from sight.

But he could not stop yet, nor ever. Now that he was truly alone there would be no safe opportunity for rest. Someone would always be after him, and he needed a base of operations to launch the retrieval of the remaining shards. Some place to bunker down, somewhere well-defended. Somewhere known to those he could call allies.

Thunderpaw pulled the map scroll from his bag, and immediately changed his heading. The Mountain Shrine would be his sanctuary in this time of uncertainty. Perhaps its spires could grant him time to rest, and reflect.

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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers] - by MasterBlade - 12-14-2013, 09:09 PM