The Second Chance (Round One: The Fitzpatrick Center)

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The Second Chance (Round One: The Fitzpatrick Center)
Re: The Second Chance (Grand Battle Spinoff)
Everyone is playing bad characters whether ironically or straight, and I'm going to be playing a character I've already played. One who I like and all that but who isn't really going to be in the spirit of the thing. How about this instead:

Username: Mr.Gauss
Name: "Greyve"
Previous Battle: Inexorable Altercation (wiki)
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Oni
Color: FF8040
Weapons/Abilities: Greyve specialises in hand to hand combat. To facilitate this he wears heavy leather gauntlets studded with metal spikes, and matching greaves. Being a half-oni he considers himself to have the best of both worlds; the intelligence and cunning of a human and the strength and dexterity of a demon. One unusual skill that he possesses is what is known as muscle mimicry, not that he's ever called it that. It allows him to replicate any physical action after viewing it as little as once. This allows him to learn his opponents combat techniques and effectively use them as easily as he would use his own.

Description: Greyve has dark skin, a shade of pale grey. His hair is long and brown, he generally ties it back to keep it out of his way. He is quite tall and some would say a hulking body shape. He is in good shape. Over his right eye there is a visible lump where a small horn is covered with skin.

Outside of battle Greyve considers himself to be playful. However his kind of playful is the kind that leaves someone else worse off. He is always looking for opportunities to cause 'mischief'. Which is not to say that he lacks the capability for seriousness. If required he can be as professional as anyone. In the heat of battle his oni physique produces a chemical which puts him into what is colloquially known as an 'assassin's high'. Almost in a trance he will not stop fighting until the chemical wears off. In these highs he has no awareness of what is going on. It is as though he goes feral.

Biography: As a kid Greyve never really fit in, likely due to the fact that his father was a demon. He did not let it get to him though. He got used to being on his own and now he would say that he prefers it. When he was old enough he grabbed the opportunity to travel the world by the balls. He had no close personal ties; his mother was dead and his father a monster.

His travels took him to some magnificent places; he saw sights that he would not have believed. On the other hand he also travelled through some shady towns, and the local criminals were always quick to spot a tourist. He was targeted by thugs numerous times; sometimes they just wanted his cash, other times they were out for blood. He had no choice but to defend himself. This was the first time that he experienced an assassin's high. He loved it.

He sought out more combat in the hopes of triggering the chemical from his half-oni side. He attacked random strangers and applied to tournaments. In general he sought out combat wherever he figured it might be found. He was then selected for a Grand Battle, something that if he was aware of he would probably be pleased about.

Original Profile:

If anyone wants Thatix to play with then go for it. Same for Dove.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Second Chance (Grand Battle Spinoff) - by Ixcaliber - 07-17-2011, 05:35 AM