The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
RE: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 2: Oh Two Oh]
Vex wasn't really feeling this situation. What should have been his grand getaway ended up being more of a carnival ride, with an entire group of circus freaks trailing behind. Still, he supposed it wasn't too bad, maybe they were with him, but that didn't mean that they would have to stay that way.

People from all over the Oh Two Oh looked to the sky to see a flying patchwork Alvum, which was already pretty odd, followed by a book, which happened more often than you would think, followed in turn by a mash-up of characters who all seemed to be bickering at and/or trying to kill each other. As if that wasn't enough of a spectacle, it seemed that rather than go in an arc, like most flying things in Oh Two Oh do unless they have some sort of propulsion system, the Alvum seemed to be flying around in circles, navigating around the ships various buildings, although sometimes it scraped into them instead.

Vex, for his part, was doing his best to shake off his unwanted cargo, but they seemed to be a bit stuck. It looked like he would have to do a lot more than just make sharp turns and try to ram some of them into buildings. At the same time though, he was afraid to just ram through a building due to the large suit of armor that was taking point. After all, he had just crashed through the building when he lifted off, and he wasn't even going that fast then! While Vex wanted to hope that ramming through a building or two wouldn't result in one of the many weapons firing directly at him, most people built like that didn't usually have the brain power to realize that shooting a thing that is making you fly could make you fall.

It was at this moment in time that Oh Two Oh's security goons started to fly after the scene, adding in the laser fire that Vex was just dreading. While Vex knew that he was probably safe for now, as the various miscreants behind him were larger, likelier-to-be-the-cause-of-this targets, he had already been hit pretty hard, and he wasn't sure how much more he could take. In addition, if people started firing at his friend in front of him, he wasn't sure if he could dodge that as well.

All in all, Vex was getting a little stressed. Which led to his steering becoming a bit more sloppy. Which happened to work to his advantage. With the increase in speed, the various laser fire, increased movement from the passengers in light of their pursuers, and the more wild turns, people were finally starting to flop off of his wild ride or die.

Unfortunately for Vex, neither Triumphan nor Augustus had flown off, nor had Dolur. By now a lot of Augustus' followers and employees of the information brokers had been kicked off, and there were two security goons left. One of them was wearing rocketboots, and the other was on a hovering platform. Due to Vex's maneuvers, the latter of the two was father behind, as the former was smaller and more maneuverable. Triumphian, ignoring the weaker and smaller peons that were floating along with him decided to deal with the laser shooting thread in front of him.

Rocketboots, in concept, are an easy and favorable way to gain flight. Less bulky and hard on your back than a jetpack, more maneuverable than hoverboards or similar technology, and they looked cool. The problem though, that most people missed, was that they required a lot more focus than any other option. If you lost focus and messed up how your legs were positioned, you'd start flailing around. From the look of this security goon, it seemed like they were blocking out sound based distractions, but that was only one of two easy ways to make someone lose focus.

The security goon never thought that someone could produce that bright a flash in midair and neither did all of the people watching the scene, who were suddenly blinded by Triumphian's shining flash of light.

However, blinding everyone was not the only effect that Triumphian's beam had.

"What have you done to my book!?!"

The old man's arms were flailing wildly, and he looked pretty angry. Vex didn't know where the old man had come back from but he really wished that he hadn't.

"Well? Are you just going to sit there and silently drive us into laser fire or are you going to tell me what is going on?"

Vex started to sweat, as the last security goon had caught up and the suit of battlearmor had starting firing. "Look old man, this is not the time for this."

"Oh and when will it be time, when we are some ashes and paper all around this station?"

"Look. I didn't ask for this, I'm not the one who just dropped me into a book!"

"Well, maybe someone shouldn't have picked up a magic book without checking for traps first."

"I did! Turns out, magic is kind of hard to detect!"

Anaminendes mocked Vex's voice the best he could, "Oh noo, magic is hard to detect, but I'm going to just try to read a book with literally all knowledge in the universe, I'm sure that won't have any problems at all."


Vex slammed his fists down, which made the book point downwards. Leading the group to crash down, coincidentally, onto a crate carrying werewolf.

When the dust cleared, what remained of the flying book adventure got up and instantly went on the offensive. The security goon, Triumphian, Redclaw, and Augustus stood, facing each other, a knocked out, half buried Alvum, a crate with a torpedo half sticking out, and the cause of the entire scene, The Encyclopedia.

"Why can't we move, why can't we move?"

"You need to calm down for a second, all panic is going to do is mess things up even more, just calm down so that we can get out of here."

It was a stand-off, with each party waiting for the other to strike. The security goon had his hand on his gun, and he was thinking about his options. He seemed to be the only one of the three with a long range weapon, but two of the others were much larger than he was. Straight across from him was the reptilian one, who he noticed was getting some choice stares from the other two... he could shoot that one, and hope that the other two would go for him, allowing him to deal with all three and report back to security.

"What's going on? Why aren't they moving?"

"Who cares? We need to get out of here before we die, why don't you be useful instead of just standing around? Augh... wait... here we go, we're getting out of here!"

"No, wait!"

As The Encyclopedia, piloted by Vex, started to float up, the security goon grabbed his gun and shot towards Triumphian, who raised his staff and blocked the beam with his magic. As the book floated into the collision of magic and laser death, a lot of things happened in The Encyclopedia and to Vex. The first is, that once again, Anaminendes disappeared. The second is that The Encyclopedia blasted open, knocking the security goon backwards. Then, finally, Vex started to feel pain.

"Well this sure i-"

With the security goon down, and the book no longer flying, the many bystanders watching on thought that the show was over. As the book remained open and floating in the air, they were about to realize that this wouldn't be the case. The open book suddenly started flipping through its many pages, and as they flipped more and more, pages started to tear off. After a while, more and more pages flowed out and started to explode out in bursts. The spectacle of The Encyclopedia exploding out all of the knowledge of its universe was so odd and engrossing, that no one noticed the other standing figures disappear, nor that after all was said and done, the dark blue binding that produced the now floating pages just disappeared.


Later, alone at last, Admiral had a massive headache. She looked at her clock and realized that a lot more time seemed to have passed than she thought should have. Did she just zone out? Why did she have this awful headache?

"Guards, I need a fucking aspirin right now."

"M'am, what abo-"


After a bit of thought, which led to more headache, Admiral decided to add another order, "Also, fuck clouds. If I ever see another cloud in my life, ever again, it will be too soon. Turn off all of the clouds."


"In thirty seconds. I am going to open my window. And if I see a single cloud out there I will eat you."

Admiral counted to thirty and then opened the shutters on her window. Outside, floating all over the Oh Two Oh were clouds of white pages, falling and floating all throughout the sky.

For a single, brief moment, there was silence. Then, there was only the loud and angry scream of one very loud and angry shark.

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