So here it all is unboxed. The powder sachets were bigger than i thought!
The pictures on the back of the box seem to suggest that you're able to split up the wafer with the edge of the spoon, but uh... Yeah i wasn't very good at that. Whoops :B
Anyway next up is mixing the icecream powder. Look at it all
It had to be mixed with a comparatively tiny amount of water, and turned into a surprisingly thick goop. Which, for the record, was a complete pain in the ass to get into the squeezy icing bag.
You're supposed to get it half and half into the bag but not with the little shovel spoon you're given. No way.
Thankfully my extensive experience (ha) icing cakes over the years meant that i didn't mess up the next part too bad. Sort of.
*jazz hands*
They didn't taste like real icecream (unsurprisingly) and instead were more like... I don't know. Vaguely glue like candy? They reminded me of hi chew? I dunno.
Anyway yeah that was rad