11-29-2013, 12:56 AM
So hang on, how are we referring to this slot from now on? Palamauthor? Not The Medes? Pal The Author, or Pal The Medes? Authormedes? Not Me, Author? Not Palamedes, Author? Not The Medes You Were Looking For, Nor The Author You Were Expecting? Medesnot? Pall Mall Nall? Palasnot? The Palamedes? The Not The Author Show And It's Spinoff, The Palamedes Show? The Incompatibly Named Sandwich? Medesthor? Thoramedes? Palamedes+NTA=Hydra? Hydramedes? Hydrathor? Hydrophone? Hydra-on-the-telephone? That One Slot With The Two People In It? Slot 27? Slot Number 27? Palaslot? Authorslot? Palamauthorslotamedes? Notpalathemedesauthorslot? Not The Slot? NoPtatlhaemaeudtehsor? Slot Why-Am-I-Not-Asleep-Yet? Slot *insert pun here*? Slot *insert fantastic pun here*? Slot *insert terrible pun here*? Just Those Guys, You Know? Two's A Couple? A Pair Of Palavers? Slot Something? Potato Receiving Area? Introducing... Palamedes? But There's Two Of Them, Which One Do I Kill? Why Not Just Shoot Them Both? Because I've Only Got One Gun? Slot #27: The Musical? Not The Foggiest? But Really, That One Slot With The Two People In It?
This is a seriously important issue that I believe we must address if we are to all become better murderpeople. Clearly.
This is a seriously important issue that I believe we must address if we are to all become better murderpeople. Clearly.