11-28-2013, 03:17 AM
What, the darts again? That's, like, the third time this has happened.
In any case, vote: Bigro for wanting me dead before the game resumed. Deciding that people ought to be killed before you even know what they're like is entirely unhelpful to the livelihood of the whole! Harrumph.
Oh, and potato: TehPilot. I'm curious if the darter has a pattern to their dartering, and TehPilot's flip might shed some light.
Not The Author Wrote:Seedy-- or, TehPilot now-- seemed to think the darts were okay, and they're still alive, but the dart-blower may have killed Purple Walrus... and I could have sworn someone went missing after having been darted, but that may be unrelated. Hrm.
In any case, vote: Bigro for wanting me dead before the game resumed. Deciding that people ought to be killed before you even know what they're like is entirely unhelpful to the livelihood of the whole! Harrumph.
Oh, and potato: TehPilot. I'm curious if the darter has a pattern to their dartering, and TehPilot's flip might shed some light.
Not The Author Wrote:Probably not, but it's worth a short. Like I have any idea what I'm doing, heh.