Grand Battle Planning and General Discussion Thread

Grand Battle Planning and General Discussion Thread
RE: Grand Battle Planning and General Discussion Thread
What's your favorite thing that you wrote in a battle?

Geez, I dunno. I'd have to say pretty much everything that the High Pine Pack gets up to (5113). That, or the post I wrote near the end of Round 1 of 300kfat.

What are your favorite moments in battles, whether you're in them, hosting them, or just reading to see the crazy things other people are up to?

I can remember really liking the whole Glere vs Spender toy ship battle, I think. It was a bit silly, but there was also a certain amount invested in it that made it interesting to read. Moments like those just pop up every now and then in a GB.

I'm going to be a bit self-indulgent here and say that I liked the result of Warden coercing Ironjaw into destroying the Coach's warehouse. I know destroying the setting is a bit of a cliche in GBs, but it was actually effective in forcing a change of scenery where one was needed, imo.

What was it that got you interested in joining a battle?

At first I only read the first one because it was a part of the MSPAFA awards, but then I started liking the character dynamics. Seeing that there were like 200 other characters overwhelmed me a little, but I have long since gotten used to knowing each of the characters.

Who's your favorite of your own characters?

Most likely the Warden. He's just very me. Not in personality, but in the kind of character I'm likely to like. Dark, insane, tortured, yet still a chance for redemption later in the battle.

Your favorite characters in general, both to work with or to read about?

Um, I'd have to say my favorite character is the Convolution. It's such an oddball character, I can't not like it, yet Elpie does a very good job of writing for it too, to make sure it doesn't get too out of hand like some other oddball characters can.

In my own battles, though, I'd probably say Eriz from 300kfat. She's very down-to-earth, despite being in one of the more wacky battles, and she definitely gives the battle a much-needed realistic perspective.

How about favorite NPCs?

I think Grandmasters kinda count, so I would say the Cultivator, maybe. She is just so silly! :3

There's also the surplus of other NPC GB Contestants, like in IS or in DG9K.

What was your favorite round?

New Battleopolis, definitely. If I had to pick a round to represent grand battles as a whole, this would be it. The sheer number of cameo characters are one thing, but there's also the very fascinating setup of it being humans vs non-humans, with an unpredictable third party in the form of the Purple House. It kind of sets up the concept of Grand Battles being a mash-up of characters, ranging from serious to insane, taken to the extreme.

And for something a bit more in-depth, perhaps: Are there any rounds you've been in that you think you'd handle differently (as in, significantly changing the basic plot you went with) if you had to do them again? Or, is there a round in another battle that you would have particularly liked to use one of your characters in?

I haven't been in enough rounds to answer the first one properly, but if I was forced to answer, I would say maybe I kind of wish I had introduced more NPCs in Storage Park, other than what we had? I mean, the Artiste is wonderful but in the end it was pretty much all us vs him/her/it. Would have liked to see the other Grandmasters be brought in, as well!

And I have no idea what round would be best for my characters. I'd say Warden would kind of fit in Inferno Alpha, but then he would fit in too well, considering that round was part of my motivation.

Jean being in one of the "posh" rounds like the Sable Masque would have been quite the interesting shake-up, maybe.

Also, yes I definitely would have wanted to see the High Pine Pack in a canon grand battle or something that won't fizzle out nigh instantaneously, but oh well.

Oh gosh that was quite a bit of focus on 300kfat. I hope nobody minds.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Grand Battle Planning and General Discussion Thread - by Gatr - 10-11-2013, 02:59 AM