RE: IRC highlights!
09-16-2013, 08:29 AM
it's like a disease
Quote:09:12 Pharmacy: birds of the feather, flock together
09:12 Pharmacy: etc etc
09:13 Workquerel: don't take life advice from birds
09:13 Pharmacy: citation: alfred hitchcock's birds
09:13 Pharmacy: birdemic
09:14 Pharmacy: seagulls
09:14 Workquerel: they don't have your best interests at heart they just want your lunch
09:15 Pharmacy: be sure to wave a clotheshanger at them limp-wristedly
09:15 Sanzh: i wish i was a bird
09:15 Pharmacy: it is a sure way to remove those gif animated avians
09:15 Sanzh: it would be pretty
09:15 Sanzh: fly
09:15 Sanzh: B)
09:15 Workquerel: I was going to tell you that you don't wish you were a bird but that pun is acceptable
09:15 Pharmacy: don't get your hopes too high
09:15 Pharmacy: think of the bills
09:16 Pharmacy: it'll get your feathers ruffled for the transmorgification payments
09:16 Pharmacy: not something to crow about, mind you
09:16 Pharmacy: caw
09:16 Workquerel: that was one great but maybe better as just "think of the bills"
09:17 Sanzh: eh, I'm sure I can wing it
09:17 Pharmacy: don't be a chicken
09:18 Sanzh: toucan play this game, pharms
09:19 Schazer: these are gut-wrenchingly awkful
09:19 Pharmacy: oh, getting all cocked-up
09:20 Pharmacy: I lek to see you try
09:20 Sanzh: are you suggesting this'll take a tern for the worst, schazer?
09:20 Pharmacy: you can't duck, schaz
09:20 Pharmacy: this is a snipe hunt you'll never forget
09:21 Schazer: getting involved in this was a grebeous error
09:21 Schazer: on my part
09:21 Pharmacy: you can say
09:21 Workquerel: I am so happy about this
09:21 Pharmacy: it's all
09:21 Pharmacy: flocked up
09:22 Sanzh: if you weren't at work, would you be pigeon in
09:22 Workquerel: I'm too tired to be anything but an appreciator at the moment
09:22 Schazer: I'm glad someone's enjaying at least
09:22 Pharmacy: same
09:22 Workquerel: I don't think i slept for more than a straight hour all night and I have no idea why
09:23 Workquerel: like I wasn't worried or anxious or uncomfortable as far as I could tell just no sleep
09:23 Sanzh: sounds like it might have been
09:23 Sanzh: fowl play
09:23 Schazer: or just nocturnowl habits
09:24 Pharmacy: sorry to fly out of the birdhouse
09:24 Pharmacy: but I gannet need some sleep
09:24 Workquerel: good night pharms
09:25 Schazer: goose night
09:25 Pharmacy: honk honk honk
09:25 Pharmacy: roost well