Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
[Image: darksun1.png]

Thunderpaw is brought to the shore, the party gathering around, each doing theirs to see him saved. Between the different healing spells and a drink from the water vase, he seems to be getting somewhat better.

On the far shore, the cloaked stranger bends to retrieve his gnarled staff before striding out across the water, his worn leather boots never seeming to touch the calming surface of the water. As he reaches the surface he stretches out his hand, weaving a scintillating ribbon of magical energy, which surrounds and embraces Thunderpaw, dispersing the horrible black blade into nothingness, carrying him to his feet and leaving only a throbbing scar behind. "Arise, my champion." He says, grasping Thunderpaws hand to help him stand as the magical energy is dispersed.

"I think, perhaps, that i owe you all an explanation. My name is Razan. You are here, today, because i arranged it, commanding Ziras to send you in the place of a squad of his soldiers. I did this not once, but twice." He nods towards the first crystal, floating nearby. "I am to blame for the dangers you have suffered. For this, i am sorry, and i would beg your forgiveness. However, despite all odds, you have triumphed. That gives me some hope - perhaps we can still turn the war in our favour, with a great deal of luck. As you must know by now, the recent troubles are a lot more than mere bandits deciding to band together. You see, over thirty years ago, a dark and malevolent power entered our world and started spreading its malicious influence. Today, we see the initial effects of its plan set in motion. If succesful, i have no doubt that the world will be reduced to little more than a plaything for it. I, and a handful of others, have taken it upon ourselves to stop this from happening. We stand no realistic chance of success, but that is irrelevant, for there can be no other option. I sent you here and to the bandit fortress to retrieve these two shards, for i could no longer go on my own after the dark power started to seek my destruction. The creature you fought here was once set as a guardian, but must eventually have fallen to corruption. It should not have been able to attack me - or you - at all."

Yes! Yes! It is true! My dearest friend, my only companion! The crystal gives off what sounds only vaguely like a laugh. Oh yes! He went quite mad, you know. He tried to eat me, once! Ohh, he was mad like a rabid dog at the end, eheHAHehEH, and so am i, you know.

Razan sighs, at this, muttering something inaudible. "Regardless, the point is that we require your aid. These shards were scattered across the land and shielded to hide them against our enemy. Ofcourse, it proved ineffective, in the end, but it has bought us time. If we can gather all of them all of them again, we may be able to forge a weapon of incomparable power. We hope that will be enough. If you would have it, i would charge you with this duty."

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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers] - by chimericWilder - 09-01-2013, 04:07 PM