Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Bohw plays with her hair with one hand and giggles in delight, pleased with her last spell's power. With her other hand she works on a new spell, conjuring and shaping a ball of dark energy into a blade all the while adoring the display of colours from Nos' own magic. At least it's keeping her entertained, rather than she make her own entertainment. She just continues to form some kind of sickening sword of darkness in her hand, maliciously glancing about trying to decide her target. Hopefully it will be the Hydra.

Mayor however, now down a shield and considerably more injured, is starting to act a lot less composed and begins to panic. He finds himself out of options to restrain Bohw, what is he to do? In desperation, Mayor looks around for anything to throw at her, a weapon or rock, his gaze eventually falling onto the wounded Druid defending himself from the beast. Perhaps Mayor cannot stop Bohw, but Razan certainly can. Suddenly, the Golem sprints forwards at the hydra, charging in along side everyone else. He holds onto his colourful sash for either good luck or comfort, jumping into the blood stained water and leaping at the Hydra and driving his fist into one of the beast's many open wounds!

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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers] - by BlazerC - 08-26-2013, 04:02 PM