RE: IRC highlights!
08-08-2013, 12:48 AM
IRC Wrote:(1:07:29 AM) FakeImpostor:
(1:07:31 AM) FakeImpostor: Yo guys
(1:07:34 AM) FakeImpostor: Lets do it to it
(1:09:09 AM) myw: hufflepuff woo
(1:09:11 AM) myw: well
(1:09:12 AM) myw: probably
(1:09:46 AM) XX: myw you'd be a hagrid
(1:10:11 AM) FakeImpostor: This is the complete questionaire, the pottermore thing randomizes a select few of these
(1:10:30 AM) myw: I'm not that tall XX
(1:11:41 AM) myw: or that fat
(1:13:05 AM) XX: you could be
(1:13:17 AM) Norivia left the room.
(1:14:04 AM) myw: I don't want to be rollable
(1:15:04 AM) Sanzh: too bad, you're rolling
(1:15:19 AM) myw: I don't get it
(1:16:20 AM) FakeImpostor: I got gryffindor!
(1:16:26 AM) FakeImpostor: Suck it
(1:16:43 AM) myw: good job
(1:16:45 AM) myw: you're boring
(1:17:05 AM) FakeImpostor: I almost got into ravenclaw
(1:17:15 AM) XX: I got slytherin ages ago
(1:17:18 AM) FakeImpostor: What myw neville longbottom wasnt boring
(1:18:17 AM) myw: of course XX
(1:18:28 AM) myw: fake, gryphs are boring
(1:18:34 AM) myw: or at least really predictible
(1:18:47 AM) myw: they'll do stuff with almost no plan because they think its right
(1:18:51 AM) myw: that's just arrogance
(1:19:08 AM) Sanzh: gryffindor is just starks with birds
(1:19:10 AM) FakeImpostor: Its called being ballsy
(1:19:21 AM) FakeImpostor: The starks are great!
(1:19:28 AM) myw: they're all dead
(1:19:29 AM) FakeImpostor: Thefoot arent the starks great
(1:19:30 AM) Sanzh: great at dying
(1:19:33 AM) myw: half dead
(1:19:40 AM) Solaris: the funniest thing that ive ever had with pottermore
(1:19:43 AM) TheFoot: What? No. Fuck the Starks
(1:19:48 AM) FakeImpostor: WHAT
(1:19:51 AM) Solaris: is being the only hufflepuff in #mspafia
(1:19:53 AM) Sanzh: LP knows what's up
(1:20:07 AM) TheFoot: Fake the fact that they're the worst is the point of the Starks
(1:20:14 AM) Solaris: so if that was Actually Hogwarts
(1:20:20 AM) FakeImpostor: but they are so good at being the worst
(1:20:29 AM) Solaris: it would be a bunch of slytherins hanging out and being slytherny
(1:20:29 AM) myw: no, they're the best
(1:20:34 AM) myw: they just suck at being the best
(1:20:37 AM) Solaris: and therers this one fucking hufflepuff with them
(1:20:51 AM) myw: cept for sansa I hate her
(1:22:34 AM) XX: fuck sansa
(1:22:40 AM) Timujinaway is now known as Timujina
(1:24:01 AM) FakeImpostor: Sansa makes the Hound Relevant dont hate
(1:24:28 AM) myw: sansa makes everything go to shit by being a stuck up bitch
(1:24:36 AM) myw: rrravenclaw
(1:24:45 AM) myw: kinda weird
(1:27:53 AM) bbl|mrguy is now known as MrGuy
(1:31:00 AM) FakeImpostor: No you are a total nerd
(1:31:03 AM) FakeImpostor: It makes sense
(1:32:05 AM) myw: yeah, but I kinda lack the motivation towards knowing shit
(1:32:20 AM) myw: aren't ravenclaws supposed to be good at school
(1:33:41 AM) Jacquerel: pottermore lied to me
(1:34:40 AM) Timujina: jacquerel
(1:34:45 AM) Timujina: what are you tlaking balotutt
(1:34:50 AM) Timujina: talking about
(1:34:58 AM) Jacquerel: it put me in gryffindor
(1:35:23 AM) myw: did you pick any dumb choices
(1:36:52 AM) Jacquerel: I don't know
(1:37:20 AM) Jacquerel: it was months ago
(1:38:20 AM) Chwoka: okay this is like the second or third day in a row we've talked about the pottermore personality quizzes
(1:38:29 AM) Chwoka: didn't that shit come out years ago?
(1:40:49 AM) FakeImpostor: Harry potter is eternally hip
(1:41:58 AM) Timujina: i am HUFFLEBUTT
(1:42:00 AM) ***Timujina screaming
(1:42:03 AM) Timujina: HUFFLEBUTT
(1:42:05 AM) Timujina: HUFFLEBUTTTTTT
(1:42:25 AM) ***Timujina sits on jacquerel, quadrupling in weight every three seconds
(1:42:37 AM) Jacquerel: This is uncomfortable to say the least
(1:42:50 AM) ***Timujina goes back in time to become lighter
(1:43:44 AM) myw: what the heck