SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21

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SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 4 - Full House! 10/21
Sorry, been busy past coupla days.

Day will be extended 24 hours from now.
Votals are still the same since last time and nobody's up for lynch yet.

Now how about those actions I didn't do?
Mirdini types in Ceylon Tea (strong) With Milk
and gets precisely that within a few seconds. Mmmm. Smells good.

LegendaryQ types "Rocket Fuel" into the machine.
The door closes, the cup dispenses, and as it pours, a strong kerosene smell wafts from the machine. Eventually, the door opens, allowing LegendaryQ to take the cup.
LegendaryQ recieves a cup of RP-1.

mwy simply types in "Surprise Me"
The door closes, a cup dispenses, and you hear the sound of something pouring, but no liquid appears to come out. It stops pouring momentarily, and then starts again, with coffee visibly pouring into the cup. Taking it out, it looks full, but feels half empty.
mwy recieves a Half-Cup of Coffee.

Messages In This Thread
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 4 - Full House! 10/21 - by Robust Laser - 07-20-2013, 04:19 AM