RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 3 - Double Cacti Homicide 14/21
07-12-2013, 01:05 PM
...say, Pardner 'doben'awse? Ya still here? I can 'ear ya laffin' manic'ly ta yerself sumwares a fur piece; goodness only knows jess where, but steel. If ya wuz ta stop widda gloatin' fer a min-et, I'dda like ta awsk a favor o'ya. I got ta moss almighty itch between summa ma needles, 'n I be thankin' it be dat al-gee chip Pardner Q threw at me yes-tar-days? Smarts sumthang horrid now, y'hear? Dunce-a-pose ya fancy bein' a star 'n re-tree-fin' it fer me? Ail'let ya keep it if ya get it awt, I guess... 'snot like awl be need-in' it, 'n it be sumthang irksum...
...say, Pardner 'doben'awse? Ya still here? I can 'ear ya laffin' manic'ly ta yerself sumwares a fur piece; goodness only knows jess where, but steel. If ya wuz ta stop widda gloatin' fer a min-et, I'dda like ta awsk a favor o'ya. I got ta moss almighty itch between summa ma needles, 'n I be thankin' it be dat al-gee chip Pardner Q threw at me yes-tar-days? Smarts sumthang horrid now, y'hear? Dunce-a-pose ya fancy bein' a star 'n re-tree-fin' it fer me? Ail'let ya keep it if ya get it awt, I guess... 'snot like awl be need-in' it, 'n it be sumthang irksum...