SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21

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SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 3 - Double Cacti Homicide 14/21
Ho-ho, but no, Pardner My-oo, Imma'fraid I seem silly awl ta time, regard-lus'o what be rushin' forth from my mouth! Gotta say though, I be startin' ta warm to ta upsides'o "y'all" as a plur'l secand-person pronoon... goodness gracious me...

Now see here, folks, this be ta sorta light-hearted, mightily relaxed breeze shootin' y'all orta be partakin'in. Shore, if it be related to-ta madder'in'and, that be good'n'all, but e'en tan-gentlemanly be fine if it got y'all jabberin'. Loosenin' ta lips 'n all that. 'smostly a case o' gettin' a new toy, though... not that Imma be able ta play widdit, though... aww...

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RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 3 - Double Cacti Homicide 14/21 - by Sruixan - 07-11-2013, 10:49 PM