SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21

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SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21
Huh, well ain't that just the darndest thang? Not too shore I be agree'n wid Pardner Pie-Sky wid regards ta multi-pull salesbein's bein's presents; that jess ays too tame fer a buncho wacko 'noma-lease like us. Na, guess somebody be likin' ya, Pardner Fogels. Ja thank der tryin' ta woo ya? Showerin' ya in gifts like a way-knee Christ-mass day...

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RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 2 - Spikes All Around! 17/21 - by Sruixan - 07-03-2013, 04:04 PM