The Atavist's Tryst - Round 1: The Ljinstal Underground (S?)

The Atavist's Tryst - Round 1: The Ljinstal Underground (S?)
RE: The Atavist's Tryst - ((S?) - signups open!)
Name: Kayle La'Tryst

Gender: Male

Colour: Dark Green(#006600)

Race: Human

-A large green Wizard hat.
-A set of Wizard robes with most of the lower part cut off for mobility.
-A pair of jeans.
-A custom double-ended wizard staff (made from sticking two half-staves together)
-Two hand triggers, designed to have a triggered device placed in them to be activated on hand shake. They currently both contain parazappers.
-A belt with many pouches, containing:
---A bag of assorted gummies
---A tin of sound chews
---Two rolls of pop-fizz mints
---A jar of living jelly cubes
---A stack of origami choco-birds
---3 rolls of soda-fizzes
---A roll of deep-mist mints
---A box of sugar-bombs
---A few disorientation firecrackers
---5 climate bombs (swamp, lake, desert, forest, mountain)
---A whole load of pressure triggers
---A few parazappers
---A few lightblinders
---A few megascreechers
---A few aquasoakers
---A few gluecoaters
---A few slipsliders
---A stack of quarter-size forgepaper
---Some slip-papers
---A can of camo-spraypaint

Despite his time training in wizard college, Kayle only really knows how to cast a few spells, primarily the ones that he thinks seem "cool enough" or that help him with his pranking. Mostly flashy attacks and illusions respectively. However, could probably cast some of the more basic of the other spells if he really tried.

Description: Kayle is a 20 year old guy, standing 5 foot 6. He possesses a shock of unruly ginger hair that always seems to be stick every-which-way.

He hates school and studying, especially being forced to learn things that he considers to be useless or stupid, but is a very competitive person otherwise. He enjoys candy almost as much as he enjoys pranking people, and he likes pranking people a lot. He is fairly hot-headed, and tends to operate under a "Fireball first, ask questions later" type philosophy. He is also generally quite clever, devising new and interesting ways to use existing items, such as his double-ended staff.

Errata: Kayle is a wizard, and a very powerful one at that. At least, that's what he's been told. Born the child of The Grandmage and a powerful Elemancer, his magic aptitude was about as high as it gets.

He was placed in the best of preliminary magical schools by his parents, and managed to generally coast through the first few years, putting in as little effort as he could while relying solely on his aptitude to get him through, and what classes couldn't be passed with simply aptitude alone he cheated at.

Eventually, after barely making it through the last year of preliminary school, Kayle was placed in his father's own Magical College, where he generally did as little as he could. He spent all of his allowance on pranking tools and candy, and started going to some underground mage fights after hours.

His father, noticing Kayle's falling grades and visits to these fights, was preparing to have a talk with him, to explain to him that he could no longer adjust his failing grades, and that he would have to actually work, or get expelled. However, by the time that he arrived at Kayle's room, he was already gone.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Atavist's Tryst - ((S?) - signups open!) - by Yewchung - 07-02-2013, 09:40 AM