SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21

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SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 1 - Vending Murder 20/21
okay while class is on break lemme get these actions outta the way

Sruixan gobbles up the Timely Snack
Eugh. Augh. Gross. The timer beeps.
"Snack consumed. Explosives Disabled."
Well that's probably a good thing. Nonetheless, you feel a bout of indigestion. Might be the explosives. You should sit down for a while.

Felix opens the Fresh Fruit box and finds hundreds of really tiny fruit. Some of them seem to be still ripening, as you watch.
He eats one that looks particularly fresh. It's not very filling on its own.

Also, he can't see the top of the bag so he doesn't open it, assuming he's talking about the giant bag.

Mirdini finds a screwdriver in a lab somewhere and opens up the vending machine.
As the machine opens up, a man-sized bag filled with two humanoid alien lookin' squiddy monster things falls out. The labelling is illegible. You're pretty sure they're dead. You're also pretty sure they're meant for consumption, if past items have been any indicator. There's a part of the bag that seems to be pooled with a green substance that may or may not be alien blood.
Mirdini collects Not Technically Cannibalistic Meal

myw pushes the return change button.
This doesn't achieve much.

LegendaryQ bonks an algae chip offa Red's head
This also doesn't achieve much, but it's more amusing. Y'almost nailed him in the eye!

Yes Sruixan, the bag can now be reached.

Whoosh! hesitantly takes a big bite out of the Vita-Flesh
Ergh. It's delicious. You're actually kind of worried about how delicious it is. The texture is a bit too fatty, and your mouth is just dripping blood. A look at where you bit reveals some organs and shit, which are rapidly ceasing to work. Whatever sorta vitamins are in that seem to do your body good, and it just... makes you feel healthy.
Whoosh! has a lump of Vita-Flesh that is rapidly bleeding out with a big bite in it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: SCP-MAFIA - DAY 1 - Vending Murder 20/21 - by Robust Laser - 06-26-2013, 05:53 PM