RE: Incident [TEXT]
06-23-2013, 05:46 AM
Careful. You don't want to fall into a frame-job. Keep your head about you and try and figure out what information they have.
Being framed relies on just enough information to convince someone of your guilt just enough so that they don't gather any more info. Fortunately, info gathering is your job. You've maybe even been hired to clear up a frame-job before, so you should have an idea of how it works.
You also know how the police work. They never show all of their cards before asking the big questions. This first question is just a prelude. They have bigger suspicions than just a name in blood. They also don't bother with interviews if they have enough info to convict. They want to trip you up and catch you off-guard. They did, but now you know what type of situation you're facing and what they're thinking.
It's highly doubtful they don't think that you are a sparker. Their theory probably revolves around that rumor.
Play along, carefully, gather info and see what evidence the police has to say. Don't say anything in a rush - it will be too hard to take it back later. You've been cooperative so far, so hopefully you can get this cleared up.
Ask if you can see a photo of the crime scene, surely there is one. If she shows it to you then you may be able to tell how it differs from what the scene looked like when you saw it last night. In response to her question, tell her how you think he could have been informed of your name - based off of who your contacts were. Give them a lead to follow. (Perhaps your similarly named employer)
If a situation arises where they insinuate that you've could have performed an action only if you were a sparker, press them on that. The exact nature of what they think may be important.
Also, again, it doesn't hurt to keep in mind that the myriad look after their own. One of the officers involved in the case (perhaps even your tight-lipped escort) may have the connections you want.
Oh and make sure you get that trinket back.
Being framed relies on just enough information to convince someone of your guilt just enough so that they don't gather any more info. Fortunately, info gathering is your job. You've maybe even been hired to clear up a frame-job before, so you should have an idea of how it works.
You also know how the police work. They never show all of their cards before asking the big questions. This first question is just a prelude. They have bigger suspicions than just a name in blood. They also don't bother with interviews if they have enough info to convict. They want to trip you up and catch you off-guard. They did, but now you know what type of situation you're facing and what they're thinking.
It's highly doubtful they don't think that you are a sparker. Their theory probably revolves around that rumor.
Play along, carefully, gather info and see what evidence the police has to say. Don't say anything in a rush - it will be too hard to take it back later. You've been cooperative so far, so hopefully you can get this cleared up.
Ask if you can see a photo of the crime scene, surely there is one. If she shows it to you then you may be able to tell how it differs from what the scene looked like when you saw it last night. In response to her question, tell her how you think he could have been informed of your name - based off of who your contacts were. Give them a lead to follow. (Perhaps your similarly named employer)
If a situation arises where they insinuate that you've could have performed an action only if you were a sparker, press them on that. The exact nature of what they think may be important.
Also, again, it doesn't hurt to keep in mind that the myriad look after their own. One of the officers involved in the case (perhaps even your tight-lipped escort) may have the connections you want.
Oh and make sure you get that trinket back.