[6/7] Something Awesome [1.3 - Redwatch] [Slot Open - Accepting Entries]

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[6/7] Something Awesome [1.3 - Redwatch] [Slot Open - Accepting Entries]
RE: [7/7] Something Awesome [1.2 - The Awesome Squad]
((Apologies for this being rather late - I had a creative dry spell followed by exams.))

Lawrence sends out two magical fireballs. The first one, despite hitting the mage square in the chest, appears to dissipate rather quickly.

The one that hits John, however, lingers a little longer. Clutching his burnt arm, John finishes casting the spell in his hand. A brilliant flash of lightning leaps down the hallway, electrocuting Melinda, Donovan, and Lawrence. The first and last aren't harmed greatly, only shocked. Donovan, however, begins to lose feeling in his right leg...

Arthur successfully beats one of the enemy combatants to unconsciousness. Upon doing this, a series of gunshots rings out and the bullets hit their marks - one in the fire mage, another few in the head of the sword-wielding enemy. A shadowy figure of a police officer is seen down the hallway.

It looks like the police have arrived. Otto, outside the building, beats his assailant with the mop as local law enforcement agencies circle the building.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: [7/7] Something Awesome [1.2 - The Awesome Squad] - by TehPilot - 06-22-2013, 04:11 AM