Hector gasped, "We're going to forge a play?"

Chad almost sighed. Not because he thought that Hector didn't understand the concept of forgery, or because he felt that Hector's surprise was unreasonable. He almost sighed because he knew that he was about to enter one of those sequences, with one of those people. The sort of people Hector just are, the kind who understand what you said but upon getting confused just repeat your statement as a question as if that helps or gives anyone any idea where to start.

Luckily for Hector though, Chad did know where to start.

"Yes my friend, we are going to perform the greatest forgery in all of history, one of a play so great, so magnificent that it has never been performed."

"In The Company of Full-Stop Angels," Nestor added. "Although, it has been performed, just not to completion."

"As I was saying. We are going to make a forgery of that play. Yes."

Hector nodded, but then added, "Okay but, how are we going to forge it without knowing anything about it?"

This time Chad's teeth clenched, and he held back a twitch before calmly responding to Hector's question, "Hector, my dear Hector. Look around you. Don't know anything about it? We are about to know more about the play than anyone alive."

"But these copies are all fakes, they are all different from each other, events and character arcs and deaths are inconsistent across the board!"

"Ah, yes, it is true, they are all derivatives, illicit versions of Full-Stop Angels, but Hector, they were all copied from something."

Chad gave off a smile at the last word, raising his arms to the majesty of the library, and hoping that Hector would get the picture.

"What are you getting at?"

Before Chad could express his displeasure, Nestor interrupted. "Let us take a fairy tale, that of Little Red Riding Hood."

Nestor, who was previously flying around the library perched himself on Chad's head.

"Ahem, once upon a time, there was a little girl. While she had a perfectly serviceable name, everyone decided to instead call her by what she wore, most notably of which was a Red Hood. She had other things on, like stockings, and a nice dress, but the hood was the important part."

Both Nestor and Chad took a look at Hector, to see if he was closer to Getting It yet.

"One day, Red Hood was asked by her mother to deliver some delicious apples to her grandmother, who lived in the dark forest. Her mother also warned to avoid straying from the path, for any reason, and to go as quickly as possible. Eager to please her mother and grandmother, Red Hood quickly made her way through the forest, going to her grandmothers house. Red Hood, being a perceptive girl, noted upon nearing the house, that not everything was as it should have been. Before reaching the door, she went back into the woods to get the attention of a woodsman."

It should be noted that once more, Nestor and Chad looked to see how far along Hector's thought process was here.

"Red Hood and the woodsman approached Red Hood's grandmothers house, opened the door, and saw the house in shambles. Red Hood's suspicions were further vindicated when, instead of her beloved grandmother sleeping on her bed, there was a wolf. The woodsman worked quickly, killing the wolf with his axe. The next day they mourned the loss of Red Hood's grandmother, but gave Red Hood encouragement for her perception."

After realizing that the story was over, Hector spoke up, "But you got the story all wrong!"

Chad finally sighed, "Did Nestor get it all wrong? We were promised a story of a little girl with a red hood and that's what we got. There was a wolf, a woodsman, an eaten grandmother, a trip to the woods, and the wolf died. This sounds to me, like Little Red Riding Hood, and I'm sure many others would agree too."

Finally, Hector was catching on, "So... we are going to make the forged Full-Stop Angels... by seeing what things are the same across the different versions of the plays here?"

"Every idea starts somewhere, if you look hard enough, you can see the thread the entire way back."

"So all we need to do is figure out the key moments of the play, what is important, what makes a play In The Company of Full-Stop Angels."

Chad gave off a smile, the gears in his head were going and and had already been going, "As well as, what important things can, luckily help us with our goals. Let's get reading boys."

After nodding, the trio dispersed around the Library, each with a different version of the play in tow.


The beginning to In The Company of Full-Stop Angels is possibly the most humble and down to earth part of the entire thing. It is for that reason, that it has never been performed, at least not consciously.

"What can I do, what can I do?"

It began with one to a few people, trailing around, deep in thought and fear. In this case, it was a poor girl, dressed as an angel.

She was plagued with worry, finding it hard to breathe and wishing that she could be anything else... but she couldn't and she knew that.

She knew that unless there was a miracle, she would die.

Which meant that now, something nearby knew something very similar to that.

As the girl who was an angel tried to calm herself down, unknowingly mirroring the start of Full-Stop Angels, she took a step back, and noticed that there was an urn that she had never seen before.

She could not look away. Nor could she stop herself from picking the urn up.

A miracle? No, what you want, is a Wish.

Downtrodden and in despair. That is how Full-Stop Angels begins. Someone, someones, or somethings are in need of a miracle. And then, and angel delivers. And then another. And then another. And then maybe another, but it is definitely at least three because any less wouldn't be company.

People become confused, paranoid, excited, a full range of emotions and actions follows the appearance of the angels.

And then the angels start getting lynched.

In their paranoia and due to blindly following their emotions, whatever larger group is in power enacts a law.

An angel unable to perform a miracle dies.

So, for what will soon be the second time in Il Maledicta History, an angel will live. But for how long, will remain to be seen.


After discarding his copy of In The Company of Full-Stop Angels In Sutustetki, Chad felt that he was finished with his research.

"Alright then, for me at least, step one is finished."

"Step one? Oooohh, you've got a secret plan!" Nestor once again fluttered down onto Chad's shoulder, "Tell Nestor your plan, please?"

Hector, buried under a hundred different copies of the play, stirred from his accidental book fort, "Plan?"

"Yes, a plan. If you recall Hector, our captor gave us a mission, did she not?"

"Uh, yea killing that Imagnus guy?"

"Imago Dei, yes. A being likely to have as much power as the two who have placed us into this situation."

"Oh uh... really?" Hector silently sank back down into his book fort. "So this plan is related to that?"

Chad nodded, "Imago Dei may be a being of incredible power, but I suspect that if we play our cards right, we can take him down."

"Ooh, and what cards are those? You? You and the book man? You, the book man, and a parrot?"

"No my dear Nestor," Chad raised his finger and waggled it, "I'm playing with a far more full deck, and soon, it'll be a full house." Chad placed his gauntlet onto one of the library's tables, giving off another smug smirk.

Nestor squacked a gasp, "You can't mean..." The parrots eyes shined.

"Mmmm, they say that theatre is a magic all on its own. If that's true, then Il Maledicta, a theater so great that it consumes the very lives of the actors inside should have tremendous power." Chad was almost glowing, though only Nestor noticed it.

"So how are we going to eh, bring the house down on Imangus?"

Chad pointed to Hectors pocket. "With that."

Hector reached in and felt the seal. It wasn't golden, but it sure felt as if he was in the possession of pure gold. "So wait, the forged version is going to be set... here? With us as characters?"

"But before we can have you craft it, we need some materials, and some information."

"What do you mean?"

"Il Maledicta is all about appearances, the seal is only a piece of the puzzle."

"And the reading we did was only the second."

Hector's gears were finally catching up to his companions, "So the plan is that we split up, find out what's happening in the theater now, gather some nice looking materials, and then I turn them into the one and only copy of Full-Stop Angels?"

"And then, with us as the heralds of the truth, we will rally together the people, their thoughts and beliefs, and I will strike Imago Dei down."

By now, Nestor was absolutely ecstatic.


Once more, Chad was wandering the halls of Il Maledicta, alone, gloriously alone. Now that the trio had split off, he could sigh in joyous relief. He was free, it was a temporary freedom, but a freedom nonetheless.

Then, as if to say, 'not yet kid,' Chad heard singing.

"An angel has arrrriiiived!"

"Ah. The musical. Of course."

In The Company of Full-Stop Angels: The Musical, was luckily one of the plays that Chad had read, and actually gotten deep into the history of. The first main song of the play, An Angel's Arrival, sets off the main plot, announcing many of the themes and events that would come later, and also being sung at one of the non-angel main characters, an outsider who inquires about the angels and eventually kills one, regretfully. Chad supposed that he would have to feign that regret later.

He knew that it wouldn't be very difficult.

"Stranger, stranger, have you not heard? An angel, an angel, have you heaaaard?"

Chad smiled. It was time to make a debut.

"An angel? An angel? How could it be? An angel, an angel? Where can I see?"

"Here she has arriiiived! How lucky, are we! An angel from the skyyyyy! How prideful are we!"

"Or so you say, or so you say, that an angel has arrived today. But have you seen, have you seen, a miracle performed by she?"

"The miracle? The miracle! Of the angel, angel! How glorious it waaas, the angel, the angel, hath blessed uuuuuuuuus!"

"Take me, show me, I will follow you to the way! To the angel!"

"THE ANGEL! We shall go that waaaaaay."

As the song continued and as Chad explored the various themes of the off-brand version of Full-Stop angels, he began to take note of the events so far. The first angel had already appeared, and if her miracle was true, then it had to be Carlie. At least two angels needed to arrive before the rest of the plot could be set in motion, if one didn't appear by itself by the time he reunited with Hector, he'd have to engineer one himself.

Then, all that would be left, would be the third angel, or rather, the last. The one whose miracles would be shunned and instill the fear and emotion required for the people to turn to a lynch.

An angel may have arrived, but the devil already had plans to take it down.

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