SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21

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SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21
SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21
At 1:03 PM on ██/██/2013, we lost nearly all contact with Compound ██. After an hour with no further contact, we sent out an investigation team led by ███████ █████, accompanied by a squad of trained soldiers and █ dozen D-Class subjects.

The compound was a mess. ███████ ███ █████████████. ███████████ ████████████████ ███████████████████████████████ █████████. Dr. ██████ █████████████ ██████████████████████████. D-Class Subjects █████████████████████████████████ and SCP-████ were ████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████. Due to being ill-prepared, most of the squad was forced to retreat, with █ soldier and ██ D-Class casualties. One soldier, Pvt. █████ ███████ stayed behind to continue giving updates on the situation.

By the time ███████ █████ returned, Pvt ███████ already had an update. A number of D-Class subjects had gained control of various SCPs. Unfortunately he could not look for long, preferring to stick in the safety of one highly secure room, but he managed to take control of some of the security equipment. While in a state of disrepair, it was enough to give him general updates of the status of the compound and those within.

One hour later, Pvt ███████ had a better idea of the situation. Word got out that a number of Subjects were to use the SCPs they acquired to ██████████████████████████████████████████. Naturally, most other Subjects were against such an idea, and in a rare act of criminal order, decided to put it to a vote. Each day, one person would be set to be killed. Clearly, many decided that they were likely to die if an all-out fight occurred anyways, so it seemed agreeable.

Regardless, irresponsible SCP use was inevitable. Another, more well equipped squad was sent out, led once again by ███████ █████, but Compound ██ could not be approached, presumably due to SCP-████. The best case scenario seemed to be the situation played out favourably with the inmates. Pvt ███████ █████ was remotely given access to the entire SCP database* and ordered to give his best idea of what the D-Class subjects had under their command.

He narrowed it down to three SCPs for each, and sent his results to Dr. Riley for listing.

The following is the list of D-Class Subject currently engaged in this situation.

D - # - Subject . - SCP # .. - Status
D-22101 Granolam~ - SCP-0261 - MAFIA - Deceased
D-22102 Schazer . - SCP-████ - █████ - ████████
D-22103 myw ..... - SCP-████ - █████ - ████████
D-22104 Dragon F~ - SCP-████ - █████ - ████████
D-22105 Legendar~ - SCP-████ - █████ - ████████
D-22106 DoubleD . - SCP-████ - █████ - ████████
D-22107 Purple W~ - SCP-???? - Mafia - Deceased
D-22108 Felixspa~ - SCP-0999 - Town. - Deceased
D-22109 AgentBlu~ - SCP-0085 - Town. - Deceased
D-22110 SupahKiv~ - SCP-████ - █████ - ████████
D-22111 Garuru .. - SCP-0093 - Town. - Cactus'd
D-22112 soundlyP~ - SCP-0180 - Town. - Deceased
D-22113 ????????? - SCP-████ - █████ - ████████
D-22114 Red709 .. - SCP-001? - Town. - Deceased
D-22115 bigro ... - SCP-████ - █████ - ████████
D-22116 piester . - SCP-1478 - Town. - Deceased
D-22117 Palamede~ - SCP-0172 - Third - Deceased
D-22118 Sruixan . - SCP-0662 - MAFIA - Cactus'd
D-22119 whoosh! . - SCP-0212 - Town. - Deceased
D-22120 Kieros .. - SCP-████ - █████ - ████████
D-22121 Mirdini . - SCP-████ - █████ - ████████


*Note 1: Pvt ███████ █████ is to be terminated after the situation resolves.

Messages In This Thread
SCP-MAFIA -NIGHT 4 - ...again!? 10/21 - by Robust Laser - 06-12-2013, 03:17 AM