[6/7] Something Awesome [1.3 - Redwatch] [Slot Open - Accepting Entries]

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[6/7] Something Awesome [1.3 - Redwatch] [Slot Open - Accepting Entries]
RE: [7/7] Something Awesome [1.2 - The Awesome Squad]
"Aha! Evil magic is here, I found a cursed princess!"


"...or maybe just a common toad. Witches do stuff with toads, right?"

Arthur scoops up the frog in his gauntlets, which the frightened thing proceeds to jump straight out of his hands and into the center of the room, where it sits stationary in a completely confused state. King Arthur just shrugs and goes back to sifting his hands through the contents of the desk, it is then where he gets a brilliant idea, the lists! While he is unaware of the school's habits, most teachers usually carry around a list to tick off if a citizen had arrived to their class or not, a good tool to know which ones are brigands off doing nefarious acts! He wouldn't be surprised if the teacher had left in his desk, if he got a list of the names every student in the class, that would give him a valuable clue... or even better yet, a list of the students that were here on the day. He begins searching through the papers without delay!

((I'm looking for the rolecall or whatever it is, that's a thing, right?))

Messages In This Thread
RE: [7/7] Something Awesome [1.2 - The Awesome Squad] - by BlazerC - 06-11-2013, 09:20 AM