[split] The Return of Jester Mafia - GAME END!

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[split] The Return of Jester Mafia - GAME END!
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 2: A Vote For Fogel Is A Vote For Jesters!
Alright! Let's check the final numbers!

Dragon Fogel: [Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ9qrALYzIUSzAjrdCOQ4F...TQ1PAhTtuE]
btp: [Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQpdK_dtyuobzQjh_kwGKX...fCjN-s4hFg]
MalkyTop: [Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT32VHXmFc76x9eOryWvwa...dk-2SbH8tK]
Palamedes: [Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT58XHE2eiiBvstlLfwI77...w4-D1lLc2M]
yd12k:[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR-PVhcKvEvOyj_8bUo8XA...l-TS7-NsWg]
Purple Walrus:[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-7QEY5-FAtl-oaEvB7IP...jR1E-6RaHg]
Mirdini:[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmFPfZxCEJAXUhbjQ5wm9...me49wqZtgA]
Sruixan:[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZoSrTM7zG4AQgNGcPXfD...5o4iDP6tyy]

WOAH! WOW! Man I don't think I've ever seen such close results! Looks like we're going to have to do a bit of a recount! This can be a very long and tedious process that involves going back through public records and paperwork and -


Thanks to the well documented efforts of jesters here, we have discovered that MalkyTop, Palamedes, yd12k, Purple Walrus, Mirdini, and Sruixan are ineligible to run for the office of Prime Minister.

WAIT WHAT!? But they did all that work and filled out all the paperwork...wait...wait THE PAPERWORK!

Dragon Fogel Wrote:Well, this is an opportunity I’m not about to pass up! I’m hereby announcing my candidacy for Prime Minister! I’ll be the best Prime Minister of Jesters that Jesterland has every seen! We’ll have a government for the jesters, by the jesters, and of the jesters! Every jester will...

Oh, yeah, I guess you guys can campaign too. If you want to lose, that is. Hang on, there’s an application form to fill out...

Other Name:
No, We Meant Political Party:
Campaign Platform:
Favorite Animal:
How Drunk Did You Get Last Night:
Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been A Nonjester:
Do These Pants Make Me Look Fat:

Pretty simple, right? Anyhow, that’s everything, so get lynching! And also campaigning.

I KNEW there was something off about that. The Prime Minister position doesn't require any paperwork! That's the application for admission into JESTER PARLIAMENT! and you can't apply to both the parliament AND the prime minister position. Fogel tossed that application on there to sabotage the results!

That's low! I mean, I'll infect people with viruses but at least I don't stoop to using bureaucracy.

Guess it's just him and me now. And since I'm updating this post - heh heh heh-

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 2: A Vote For Fogel Is A Vote For Jesters! - by btp - 06-10-2013, 04:58 AM