RE: Arcana
02-09-2012, 04:27 PM
PYP tries to press the button but it does nothing, other then laughing at him. LOOK OUT THE TRAP HAS GONE LOOSE oh too late. Solaris and Agent got a bit squished, and they bounce out through the exit, confused. Whoops.
The dies and disappears in a puff of puff.
The bats wake up.
1, Black Beret -- SleepingOrange, 3HP
2, Red fez -- Coldblooded, 2.5HP, Pumpkin
3, Blue ushanka -- Cyber95, 2.5HP, Queen of Wands, (1 zapped)
4, Green Bunny Ears -- Solaris, 2.5HP, Ace of Wands(2 zapped) EXIT
5, Purple Invisihat -- AgentBlue, 2.5HP EXIT
6, Yellow Constructionhat -- Pick Yer Poison, 1.5HP, Page of Wands