RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 2: A Vote For Fogel Is A Vote For Jesters!
06-06-2013, 04:07 AM
I would like to point out something.
Mirdini I applaud your efforts to try and see some light in PW's argument, but do note how he is not talking about jester walruses, just regular ones. AND he even ties our existence to dogs! Purple Walrus is a criminal trying to pollute our jesterness with absurd notions of being 'regular' and 'like walruses'
Some other interesting facts Purple Walrus claims, from this here prime minister application form:
As you can see, he blatantly claim to be a walrus, and not in fact a jester. In addition, he tries to hide the fact that he is not a jester, and makes promises to force us all into becoming walruses like him (and even hints that he's already begun and some of us ARE walruses)! He wants not our love or enjoyment (which is all any real jester should want) but our FEAR and admits to going mad with power. He talks of making every day Walrus Appreciation Day, when any patriotic jester knows everyday is JESTER DAY, the most important holiday of the year. To make it all worse, he isn't even talking about jester walruses, just awful, regular old boring ones! This candidate is not a jester, he is a MONSTER.
I pledge as Prime Minister I will ruthlessly hunt down all who threaten our jester beliefs and jester way of life, such as this horrible, regular walrus. Vote Palamedes! A jester for all jesterkind!
(06-05-2013, 06:32 PM)Purple Walrus Wrote: »But I resent that accusation. In fact I have research that proves that Jesters are the descendants of ancient walruses. In fact Jesters still contain 45% walrus DNA. So walruses are basically Jesters of the sea.This is a goddamn lie, heresy even. Everyone knows that we didn't evolve from jestermonkeys or even jestercats, much less regular old walruses. Jesterkind was created in seven day cycles by the ever benevolent and hilarious Godster, obviously, and his son Jestersus was even lynched for our sins. The fact that you would not only suggest otherwise, but lie about evidence (which you don't even show until later, and even then it is obviously fake) tying us fantastic and amazing jesters with regular old anythings is worthy of death.
Mirdini I applaud your efforts to try and see some light in PW's argument, but do note how he is not talking about jester walruses, just regular ones. AND he even ties our existence to dogs! Purple Walrus is a criminal trying to pollute our jesterness with absurd notions of being 'regular' and 'like walruses'
Some other interesting facts Purple Walrus claims, from this here prime minister application form:
I pledge as Prime Minister I will ruthlessly hunt down all who threaten our jester beliefs and jester way of life, such as this horrible, regular walrus. Vote Palamedes! A jester for all jesterkind!