RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-30-2013, 11:12 PM
Well if you've already stated your reasons then there's no need to repeat them, I'll get to them eventually anyway when I read through this; thanks for at least clearing that up. Sorry this is taking longer than I said it would lol
Pal is that last question directed at me?? Because people who are nigh confirmed town should be giving opinions anyway, being confirmed doesn't mean it's okay to be lazy... ?? so duh of course their opinions are valuable. I don't get it
Pal is that last question directed at me?? Because people who are nigh confirmed town should be giving opinions anyway, being confirmed doesn't mean it's okay to be lazy... ?? so duh of course their opinions are valuable. I don't get it