The Second Chance (Round One: The Fitzpatrick Center)

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The Second Chance (Round One: The Fitzpatrick Center)
The Second Chance (Round One: The Fitzpatrick Center)
The Timekeeper walked the halls of the vast necropolis, its stone walls towering next to him. How much time had passed since he had been re-animated, he did not know. All he knew was that the kazoo jammed in his heart was corrupting him. Turning him into something horrible. And he had to stop it, before he could destroy the fabric of reality.

His thoughts turned inward as the dim torchlight played off his grim face—half metal, and the organic half becoming ever more rotten, it was a horrible sight. That battle… where I first got this kazoo. That is the solution. He smiled. I shall find eight who used to be in them. They will not be missed; they have already disappeared, and died somewhere else. No one will notice. And then, when only one remains, he or she will have proven his or her value as a warrior, who can take me down. And then, once more… He clenched his fist, doing his best to suppress the burning hunger for destruction and flesh that lay within every aspect of his monstrous being. I shall make the ultimate sacrifice to save the universe.

He smiled as he approached his lab. More of a dungeon with a generator and various scrapped mechanisms, there was nonetheless enough here for his genius to create a rudimentary dimensional portal. And whoever does the deed… shall receive their Second Chance.

What the hell is this supposed to be?
Glad you asked, my friend! This here is a Grand Battle Spinoff! Specifically, it is dubiously canon to the standard Grand Battles. and the contestants won’t be eligible for All-Stars. However, it can still be fun if we keep up with it!
The theme of this battle is “Characters from canon battles that died in Round One.” Any character that fits that description can be entered here, for their second chance-- they don't even have to originally be yours! It’s your choice whether they’re the same they were at the beginning, or whether they’ve clearly been reanimated; just post the relevant profile using the form below, and let’s get this thing rolling!

Entry Form
Most of this will likely be the same as the previous entry form, but you can always rewrite it if you like, so long as you don’t go from, like, a fire-breathing chameleon to a robot cactus, or something—the main character concept must be the same!
Name: Name of contestant.
Previous Battle: Please provide a relevant link to either the forum thread or wiki page.
Gender: Male/Female/Not Applicable/“Other” (please specify)
Species: Species of Contestant
Associated Color: Probably the same font color associated with your contestant in the previous battle. Only change it if it’s too similar to somebody else’s, or to this’n right here.
Weapons/Abilities: List contestants’ distinguishing skills and/or equipment here.
Description: Distinguishing characteristics, both physical (e.g. height, build, eye color, hair color/hairstyle, scars, missing limbs, extra limbs, clothing, etc.) and mental (mainly personality). Again, this could have changed since the last battle, but that’s not mandatory by any means!
Biography: Contestant’s life prior to (and, if relevant, after!) being considered for the battle.

Contestants: The following I'm almost certainly going to put in. Others I might debate over a little more.
1) Dekowin -- DragonFogel
2) Dr. Anarchy -- Wojjie
3) Greyve -- Ixcaliber
4) Hatman -- Lord Paradise
5) Professor Armidillo Reccxer -- TimeothyHour
6) Also Quantos -- XX
7) Dorukomets -- Not The Author
8) Sereno And Steinwaffe -- Schazer

Messages In This Thread
The Second Chance (Round One: The Fitzpatrick Center) - by MaxieSatan - 07-15-2011, 07:18 PM