[6/7] Something Awesome [1.3 - Redwatch] [Slot Open - Accepting Entries]

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[6/7] Something Awesome [1.3 - Redwatch] [Slot Open - Accepting Entries]
RE: [8/8] Something Awesome [1.1 - Silver Hills]
Oren sucks in his lips looking at the monument.

He roots around in his pocket for a pencil and pad to maybe do an etching, or something, then thinks wait. What am I doing?

He pulls out his phone and snaps a quick picture instead. He'll need to show this to Donovan.

If this weird tampering has gone all the way to the statue, then there's something majorly serious going on. And if Carter doesn't have any info, there's only one place Oren can think of where they can get answers. They want to know what's going on, they're gonna have to pony up.

What does he mean they? It's Donovan who's doing all the probin' around.

Is Oren really going to let a student in his charge skulk about in an abandoned part of the school that's been saturated in chemicals and condemned?

Well, not alone, he ain't.

He reflexively fidgets with the tarnished golden crosses, three of them, on a chain round his neck.
If he lets Donovan know his suspicions, the kid'll want nothing more to investigate.
And if they're going to investigate, they're gonna need a few things.

"Dammit," mutters Oren, and he goes to his office.

He runs into Otto's impromptu banjo session. "Well howdy, Burl Ives," he laughs. "Didn't know you was gonna get this cozy. I-hey now." He notices the empty can and the mixed drink on the desk. (although due to Otto's shuffling of paperwork he remains oblivious to the personal e-mail having been read). "If you wanted some liquid courage all you had to do was ask. In fact-" He goes over to the Jack, screws up his eyes, and takes a slug. "-Oof. I think I need some for myself. You know anything about that chem lab they got boarded up?"

While he talks, he goes to check his shotgun and grab some Gauze. He's gonna use a little trick he learned from a Buryat shaman in Mongolia. Make a few White Wards against any radiation or what have you still hovering in the air.
let's post righteously & having good times /// check out The Book of the Courtier /// ensure proper vegetable consumption /// also check out The Blade and the Cycle /// post it up!!

Messages In This Thread
RE: [8/8] Something Awesome [1.1 - Silver Hills] - by Brom - 05-28-2013, 10:35 PM