[6/7] Something Awesome [1.3 - Redwatch] [Slot Open - Accepting Entries]

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[6/7] Something Awesome [1.3 - Redwatch] [Slot Open - Accepting Entries]
RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
Name: Donovan Zikkit

Description: Donovan is 16 years old and a sophomore at Silver Hills. He has shoulder length brown hair that he refuses to get cut and eyes that look a dark shade of orange. His shirt is usually a warm color, although lately he's taken to wearing shades of green. Donovan intentionally looks boring so as to blend in with the crowd. They'd probably think he's weird and plus, it might blow his cover.

He's been here since last year and it's not the most interesting place. The only thing notable that's happened was when the chemistry class was hit by some 'terrorist cell' that caused the school to be shut down. Donovan noticed something that spiced up his life after everyone had returned. Some of the kids in the school, including himself, occasionally suffered bouts of what seemed to be nausea and other symptoms of a sickness, yet it never escalated. He began to take observations, form theories, and search for information.

Donovan suspects it had something to do with the supposed 'excessive chemical use' during the attack that was never properly cleaned up. He used the internet, his allowance, and various resources provided by the now surprisingly lenient school to make connections and find data that would normally be inaccessible. He learned where to look for things, how to get people to owe you favors, and overall learned to control the trade of a very valuable resource. Information. Of course, sometimes, the thought comes to him that perhaps he's just imagining all this. However, this doesn't stop him from continuing. It gives him something to do.

Specialization: Radioactive, Two Handed
Weaknesses: Light, Fire

Skills: Climbing, Stealth, Connection Making , Intelligence Gathering, Conspiracy Formation/Evaluation

Favored Stat: Speed

Messages In This Thread
RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21] - by SupahKiven - 05-17-2013, 02:42 AM