[6/7] Something Awesome [1.3 - Redwatch] [Slot Open - Accepting Entries]

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[6/7] Something Awesome [1.3 - Redwatch] [Slot Open - Accepting Entries]
RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
Reserved, even though I'm already busy with like 3 Mafias.

Name: Cal Stephenson

Description: Cal has lived in Silver Hills his whole life and is relatively happy there. He's around 6 ft tall with dark, messy hair with square-rimmed glasses on his nose at all times. He can usually be found with black or green t-shirts that show off his interests, although he's also been known to wear outrageously flashy costumes, like forest green pants with a black shirt and green blazer, a bow tie, and a top hat.

Cal has learned many things from his life, but most of all is that you can never let your guard down. In elementary school, he would sit down with a book during recess and get teased by the other kids, even some of the weirder kids, and was even considered to have "Cal"germs, a type of genderless cooties, that could only be received by contact with him. His shy and introverted nature didn't help things either.

Strangely enough, this didn't happen as much in high school, or if it did, he was unable to notice it. The one thing that did change about Cal was that he decided to become more eccentric with his habits because if people were already judging him, how much worse could it get. This led to him asking stupid questions that everybody knew the answer to, making up theories that were too insane to be true, and just doing what everybody expected he would do.

Another factor of this was that Cal wasn't afraid to stand up with teachers he disagreed with. If he felt his English teacher was grading things arbitrarily or just being a giant ass, he would try to challenge them as much as possible. This led to many incidents where he would try to prove that everyone in 1984 had a malignant brain tumor or that a poem was actually about a lying mirror based on the fact that it called the moon deceptive, only alienating him further from his classmates.

These arguments are based on Cal's vengeance for rules. He feels that the law is a set system, but finding loopholes or breaking the status quo is harmless. This means that if everyone else wanted to try to break the rules, he would probably object to it and get teased by his friends even more.

Specialization: Dark, Explosives, and Fire.
Weakness: Water

Illusion/Magic tricks (not real magic)

Favored Stat: Intelligence

Messages In This Thread
RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21] - by calibornio - 05-16-2013, 10:41 PM