Epic Clash - COMPLETE!

Epic Clash - COMPLETE!
Re: Epic Clash Round 4 - The Unholy Fortress
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.

Asteira walked down the corridor, about ready to fire another round, when she felt a slight, strange, burning sensation in the back of her own mind. She shook it off.
'Such a clever girl, aren't you my dear?'She looked around, was that Glere? Normally sure, they could talk, but this wasn't the sound of someone struggling to get free like usual. It was calm, collected.
'It does get tiring after awhile. Always having to play the court jester to lure people into false senses of security, always expecting something as foolish as a rubber duck cannon, then you hit them with a claymore to the back of the head.'[/I]
"Taunt all you want Glere, I'm not falling for anymore of your mind games, I see through your charade, I called your bluff! HA!"
'Quite honestly, that's why you should start sweating.' His voice was eerily calm, cool, relaxed.
The first thing she noticed was the sudden shuddering of both arms, as the chimera weapon was dropped as the hands plummeted to her side, the head going slack, and the knees buckling. The cape unfastened itself from around Glere's body, sliding back across the floor. Shuffling was heard as though someone was digging through, though no one could be seen. A similar outfit comparable to the body Asteira currently possessed seemed to slide out of the cape's interior, as the clacking of something sliding into place echoed. A pair of gloved hands slid into the sleeves, and the entire outfit came to life again as the headless form of a newly constructed Glere fished out another fishbowl from the cape. Asteira seemed confused as she worked the body again, strangely much easier, but also much more difficultly than before.
'You in there, I demand you tell me what's going on this instant!' There was no reply back from Glere's mind, and it was then she noticed she couldn't feel it anymore. It had disconnected the moment the cape had slid off the body.

The fishbowl from the cape snapped into place with a sickening crack, as per usual. Glere flexed his fingers, rather dismayed in contrast to his usual self.
"Ugh, not as high of quality craftsman ship I must admit. I'll just have to work harder next time." He said walking over, and grabbing the chimera weapon and throwing back into the cape. Asteira struggled to her feet in Glere's old body, sans cape, looking confused and both frustrated. Her face was now reflecting clearly in the bowl instead of the simple face of Glere's.

"Would you care to explain what the hell just happened?" Asteira grumbled, seemingly adjusting to the body. Glere flexed his fingers, before tossing his gloves back into his cape, and pulling out another pair. He slid them back on, and was more pleased with the new ones.
"I guess so, but I don't see why I should, Miss Knowsnothingaboutanything!" Glere said throwing his cape around himself again, making sure it was fastened tight. He tapped on his chest, producing a hollow thud. He tilted his head slightly, looking rather amused, but still looking greatly different than before.
"You never noticed it, did you?"

"Notice...what?" she said, very obviously not caring.
"The lack of a pulse." Glere said tapping his wrist. Asteira hadn't really paid much attention, or maybe the fact she didn't have one made the transition less noticeable, but it began to come to her mind that the previous time she did not in fact notice one.
"So shocking plot twist, you were dead the whole time? Real original."
"Um... no. More akin to a marionette actually. Though the bodies are a bit more... um, realistic in some circumstances." Glere said holding a hand to his chin thoughtfully. Asteira tilted her head.
"Well, it is incredibly life like still, but, no, it's been years since that one last drew a breath. Remember? I said I loved playing games, I just never specified how they ended or what the stakes were! I store pretty much anything a person could want to find, really. I mean, no, I don't produce anything I want, that's a bit beyond me. But I store quite a lot of valuables. Gold, jewels, weaponry, art, etc, etc. But it's no way to move around, you know? So, along comes an adventurer seeking great wealth, so I setup a game. Brave the maze and escape with your prized treasure. Well... that one put up a good effort, but it didn't find it's way out fast enough, and wouldn't you know it? He ran out of air. Another drowned in a lake. They go so many ways, but you learn how to preserve the body after awhile. I'd like to say I'm quite the taxidermist by now!" Glere laughed, slapping his knee. He then looked at the leg, lifting and lowering it slightly, as though adjusting to it. He seemed a little bit shorter too. Asteira could only stare.
"You keep wanting that one, so, fine, take it. I've got others. I'm not immortal by any means but... ah, why should I spoil my fun? As you can see... my abilities are limited in scope. Sure, weapons of various kinds, even mazes like that, but you are a nuisance to me. I have no use for a wandering dead!" He said walking past Asteira.
"You want a body, feel free to keep that one, but careful, it's taken quite a beating over the course of the games. Oh, and I AM still working a solution to you, so don't fret." He said, walking next to her, reaching into the vest pocket, and pulling out the spellcoin. He slid it into his new body's vest pocket, saluted, then walked off around a corner.


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