Epic Clash - COMPLETE!

Epic Clash - COMPLETE!
Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

"...It's his time..." The skeletal Nothing could feel death coming- his scythe was attempting to guide itself to it's target, Emilio. Through his hollowed eyes, Nothing could see the cyclone of karma cycling around the golden knight, ready to implode on its center at any moment. In Nothing's hightened sense of life and death, he found Emilio's raging karmic backlash to be... Incredible.

Nothing had never seen anything like it. A normal soul's karma was a mere wave, a ripple in the ocean of life. Emilio's, though, shook the space around him- he was someone who the universe held in highest esteem, someone who, in normal, even abnormal circumstance, was not meant to die.

But this was an extraordinary circumstance, and he was going to die- and the flow of karma didn't seem happy about it. It was violently rending the solidity of the universe, dragging open a path back to its own place- a power that could be exploited. Mr.Nothing would have grinned if he could.

"Funny how death is the only way we'd get outta here..."

"huh?" Michelle chimed in.

"Huh? Oh. Go tell everyone we're leaving, and gather them over here."

"What are you talking about?"

"Yes, we're getting outta here! Right now." Nothing's skin was growing back, but he stunted it. He was going to have to mantain form for a little while.

"how-" Michelle began, but then shook her head. "Forget it, I don't understand your Reaper mumbojumbo. But, If you got a way out, then... Well, I can't do much but trust you I guess!"
She glanced over towards the direction of Emilio and the rest. Smoke was drifting upwards, and the people in it obscured. "I'm not really sure how I'm going to get their attention, though..."

Nothing stared in the same direction. The smoke billowed upwards, and Emilio's karma spun wildly. "Yeah, don't worry about it," He said absently. It wasn't entirely necessary for the others to know that they were leaving- he just needed to make sure that nobody interfered with him.

"Alright, I got it. Stay here for a bit, please, and try to follow me when you see me again." Nothing paused. "uhm, that wasn't entirely logical, but just remember it."

Without waiting for an answer, he spread his skeletal wings and took flight.


As the smoke cleared, Emilio Nahaz suddenly found himself without any enemies. Each and every one of them had fled, and he stood alone.

"Ha! They fear me, do they? Dogs, unwilling to bite back? I flick of my wrist, a slight dispatch would have more than sufficed..." He stopped immediately, noting a baton on the ground. A shock went through his mind. Carefully, he turned it around to face him with his blade.


For the first time in a long time, Emilio had nothing to say. He was nothing but bewildered, and out of his element. His life was ticking away, and he had no demons to cut down, no dragon to slay. His blade, cold, hard and deadly- useless, wasted, so suddenly.

His loss was only for an instant, though. He had a precious minute. He had saved kingdoms and crushed them in the same amount of time. He scanned around him quickly. The Clown he was dueling with was escaping, much faster than Emilio could pursue. The other man, with whom the clown seemed to converse, had already fled from before him. The running girl was standing at a distance, watching. Doubtlessly, she'd escape if he stepped in her direction. The only one he could lay hands on was...


...The Angel of Death above him, it seemed. Fitting one would come for Emilio. He laughed heartily, but briefly- he understood his time constraints. It was good the angel came- he was lost without an opponent hindering his way. Lifting his blade, He directed his entire presence towards Mr. Nothing. Instantly, he closed the space between him and the reaper, and swung straight down. The swift blade bit into Nothing's finally drawn scythe, managing to chip the instrument that was meant to last an eternity.

Surprised, Nothing was sent flying backwards, trying to regain control of his center of gravity. Taking his thrown weight into a drift, he glided backwards down into a more forested area. Desperately, with his life on the line, Emilio chased him. Fallen branches crunched under his feet. Each step made a solid indentation in the ground. Although Emilio had lost his visual of the reaper, he knew that his direction was correct. He had the feeling that he always had, a burning feeling. Nobody but he could understand it, but it was all his, his knowing. Destiny had a path for him, and all he needed to do was carve the obstacles out of the way.

Emilio had no doubt, none at all... He knew he had a great destiny.

Ahead of him, Nothing had landed improperly, stumbling on a root. Wasting no time, Emilio stepped in widely. Time slowed for him. He could see every speck of mist that trickled along the floor, every falling leaf forced from its stem by the reaper's hasty decent. Right in front of him, he could see Mr.Nothing's Slowly widening jaw, about to say something, his bleached white skeleton, its loose effort to raise it's scythe, and his stumbling feet, looking for a foothold. What he couldn't see, however, was the smile that crept across his mouth. In a single thrust, Emilio promptly skewered Mr. Nothing, and forced the flailing body against the trunk of a tree.
Instantly, it was over. Success. Actualization. Around him, he could hear the voice announcing the final countdown Emilio threw his hands up into the air, in empty exultation. To the heavens, he shouted.

"Space, time! Understand that there is nothing that can hinder Emilio Nahaz's way!"

...and then, he felt his legs get heavy. Looking down, he felt an accumulation. Stray particles of the white mist were gathering over his legs, draping them in white. Absently, he realized that the time had just ended, and he was the "loser." But, he thought, looking at Nothing, he would be fine. This was a dead man, after all- the other condition for ending the round. He wasn't going to be trapped here.

Emilio had no doubts.

"Sorry, but you are going to die. I'm surprised, really, that you can fight that fate so violently here." Nothing's cold, dead voice remarked.

With some effort, Mr. Nothing pulled the blade out of his chest, and threw it into the ground.

"Really, I'm sorry, but it's over."

Mr. Nothing clicked his scythe open and lifted it above his head, as the white mists inhibited more and more of Emilio's body.

"Don't worry though- I'm pretty sure your soul is going back to where it needs to be. I'm banking on that, at least."

A crushing despair fell on Emilio- the weight of finality, something that he had never even considered, something that had always been the furthest thing from his mind. Honestly, he had never considered his journeys ending. Not even once. Even now, he wasn't entirely sure that he was done.

...But Emilio knew exactly who he was.

"Wait." He stated.

He stepped forward, shattering the wax that had connected his legs to the ground, and pushed Mr.Nothing's Scythe away as it hesitantly came down.

"I am Emilio Nahaz. I've ended kings and kingdoms, demons and their dragons, and every single being I felt unworthy of surviving to see the next moment. I stand above all others. There are none with more worth than I. Emilio Nahaz is a legend all in one."

Emilio grasped his sword for the last time, unhindered by Mr. Nothing, who couldn't help but watch.

"If I am at an end, I shall be ended by nobody but myself."

In a single motion, Emilio Nahaz turned the blade and drove it into him own torso.

Choking on the blood, he gritted his teeth and stood up straight, ripping the blade back out of his body, and threw it back into its sheathe. Wiping his blood from his mouth, he crossed his arms and stared ahead, looking at a path than nobody but he saw. The wax mists quickened now, covering his body from head to toe as if reacting to Emilio's intent. His form was cast permanently under the dome of the Wax Colosseum.

Emilio Nahaz was dead.


The instant Emilio died, Mr. Nothing's trials began. Emilio's soul was suddenly ripped out of its body, and was forcing itself through a hole in dimensions it had violently pulled open to return to its original universe. It was a small hole, but much larger than Nothing needed it to be. Allowing his Scythe to act freely, he swung at the hole, widening it to a large slit. Emilio's enormous soul rushing through the slit kept it from closing. Swinging a few more times, an adequately sized hole was formed.

"That was much easier than expected... I guess an epic soul has this kind of force. Now... I need to preserve it."

Guiding the abundant flowing karma around the hole, He wrapped the rip in space in a vacuum of fate. Now, all he could do was wait, until they were taken to the space of the gods, which linked every single universe.


"Stop, stop stop!" Miles whined. Obeying him, the gears of time halted.

"What do we do, Bryce?" He said, worried.

"Huh? What?" Bryce muttered back, eyes staring into the universe.

"What do you mean what? Look! Mr. Nothing, the reaper, has obtained a rift! He's probably going to use it to funnel all our contestants out! What'll we do? Rifts can't just be destroyed! They'll pop, and probably vacuum out this space!" Miles babbled to Bryce, who simply yawned.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Clicking his fingers, he forced time to run again. The surviving players were brought into the empty space, against Miles' protests.


The instant he saw the two gods, Mr. Nothing acted. Releasing the rift, the karma blew away the energy restraining the contestants. Suddenly able to move, the contestants stared at the swirling distortion of space.

"Come on, everyone! We're getting outta here right now! Follow me! I can guide you back to you respective-"



Where Mr. Nothing had stood a moment ago now only had a splatter of bones and nice clothes.

"See? It was fine." Bryce said lazily, lifting the smeared corpse up with a flick of his finger and crushing it into the ground a few extra times.

"y-you can't kill them! That's against all the rules!" Miles said, horrified.

"Relax, bro! This guy was trying to break the game! I'm sure it's fine. Anyway." Byrce turned to look at the other contestants. "Any of you wanna try out the rift? It'll take you somewhere else...just, probably not where you wanna go. Seriously, you have a 99.99999% chance of ending up in some vacuum of space."

With everyone shocked, and unsure of what to do, the rift slowly ran out of power and vanished.

"Alright! Problem solved. Next Round..."


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